Working for Aerie

In one of my very first blogs, I brought up the brand Aerie and their #AerieREAL campaign. I have always been a big customer and follower of this brand, but this campaign really sparked my interest. Being a woman, fitting in can be tough. Sometimes we feel as though we aren’t pretty enough, or skinny enough, or healthy enough. This campaign contradicts all of that, and that is exactly why they are a company I would want to work for.

I am someone who is generally passionate about social media. I understand the positives and negatives to it, but ultimately, I view it as a way of changing society. Specifically changing the way that women feel about themselves. Yes, social media has a habit of creating a false reality. My friends and I often chat about how different some people look on social media than they do in real life. Aerie has used their platform to help women feel confident, to lessen the need to edit your body and imperfections.

Aerie no longer retouches on their Instagram profile. Everything that they post is raw, showing the true beauty of their models. I feel as though this brand works towards making women feel confident in every single part of themselves, and loving their insecurities. Just by scrolling through their Instagram profile, it is obvious that they want every woman, no matter her size or shape, to feel as though they matter.

Being a young woman, this is something that I want to work towards. I want to create a world where social media is a place to showcase all of your uniqueness. The point is not to fit in, being different is what makes you…YOU! I feel as though working for Aerie can help me accomplish this dream. A world where all women are beautiful and confident in who they are. Every single one of my friends has either added a filter to their photo or photoshopped it to make themselves feel a little bit better about their appearance… admittedly, I have done it too. I strive for the day that, as women, we longer feel like this is necessary.

Overall, I believe that working for Aerie can satisfy the needs that I have in working in social media. Aerie alone has already changed the game of social media. There are not many other brands that have included such a diverse group of models. I want to work for a brand that accepts ALL women, and appreciates ALL women. I believe that Aerie is this brand.

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