Elevator Pitch

There are 86400 seconds, 1440 minutes, and 24 hours in a day. Time is a commodity, and we have the ability to dictate what that time is spent doing, so why wait? Remember that computer you were thinking of building? Just do it. How about that question you were too scared to ask? Just do it.

The phrase “just do it” was coined in 1988 as a part of Nike’s ad campaigning. The phrase singlehandedly contributed to a 21% increase in Nike’s share of the North American domestic sport shoe business from 1988 – 1998. The goal of the campaign was simple: appeal to every single American (and later on, human around the world). The phrase knows no gender, sexuality, race, or ethnicity. Whoever you are, the phrase still has potential applications in your life.

The external influences on the phrase’s development, particularly Western Culture, are difficult not to notice. One of the most prominent themes of the time period was the American Dream, which placed an emphasis on achieving success through doing. Admittedly, that analysis is incredibly limited, but it opens the door for several components of the artifact that can be analyzed: commonplaces, rhetorical situation, and retention (potentially)

For the most part, my curiosity regarding this artifact stems from its usage of commonplaces in Western civilization. Moreover, Nike’s advertising campaigns still utilize the same phrase from all those years ago and are globally scaled, which calls into question the impact of those civilization-based commonplaces. Analyzing the artifact through a rhetorical situation lens may also be ideal, as the phrase is uniformly applicable.


10 thoughts on “Elevator Pitch”

  1. The Idea is very good and covers all the necesarry questions, be it knwoing what lense you’re going to be speaking in as well as commonplaces and a very well known artifact which should made this a very interesting pitch!

  2. I REALLY like this idea and I think “just do it” would be a perfect artifact to examine for analysis. If i had to give any critic, I’d be that you’d maybe want mention specifically what commonplaces are used that the slogan and how it harps on them. You could also mention what lens you’d be using. Over all I do love the style you choose and especially the intro.

  3. I really liked the structure of your blog. You really started off with a great hook and talked about the wide ranging application that the artifact has on society, despite any one persons background. I also really thought that your connection of this term to Western societal culture was a good point to make.

  4. Once again I have to say that this was a great presentation, similarly to the comments you got from the people in class essentially reflect what I was going to say, especially how you are able to (similarly to Nike), take such a short phrase and make a very big deal out of it, and for good reason!

  5. Your delivery was amazing and your intro was extremely powerful! I really love how you elaborated on “just do it” because it is such a simple phrase that can be unpacked so much. I think this is a great topic!

  6. That was a great presentation. The whole flow of the speech was perfect and I liked how you started off the speech with the time hook and then you smoothly transitioned into Nike’s slogan. I think you did a good job connecting the slogan with many various things. Great job!

  7. I think your presentation is some of the best we’ve seen. I think you have the thing for public speaking . The actual content of the speech was very good as well. The ad itself was well picked. I think you could also do more with the use of and 80 y/o man.

  8. The ad you showed us really connected the audience to your pitch. The “Just do it” phrase shows us that we can do anything.
    Really good and straight to the point pitch. Well done!

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