There are 86400 seconds, 1440 minutes, and 24 hours in a day. Time is a commodity, and we have the ability to dictate what that time is spent doing, so why wait? Just do it. The phrase “just do it” was coined in 1988 as a part of Nike’s ad campaigning. The phrase singlehandedly contributed to a 21% increase in Nike’s share of the North American domestic sports shoe business from 1988 – 1998. The goal of the campaign was simple: appeal to every single American (and later on, human around the world).
The phrase knows no gender, sexuality, race, or ethnicity. Whoever you are, the phrase still has potential applications in your life. In their first-ever marketing advert, Nike uses pathetic appeals as calls to action, commonplaces such as The American Dream, and takes advantage of the kairotic opportunity presented by the passing by of time as means to empower viewers.
Speech Title: “Nike: Just Do It”
- Intro
- Time Statement
- Share
- Gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity
- Thesis
- Pathos
- Commonplaces
- Kairotic Opportunity
* Based on the feedback given on the original outline post, the outline was adjusted.
Mustapha, I thought that your speech on VoiceThread was really really good. Your delivery was extremely smooth and you definitely knew your information in and out through your ability to keep a casual tone throughout the entire speech. I personally loved your hook and introduction, as I felt that it really hooked me in and got me interested in what you were planning to say. My suggestion is regarding your format, as your video was only on the first side, and was not moving along with your video, which was a bit confusing.