3 thoughts on “TED Talk Visuals”

  1. Short, sweet and without much text. Just how these things are meant to be as its a “talk” for a reason. I like your diversity between graphs, examples as well as just references to your speech. You could possibly put out some bullet points covering your structure, however without seeing your speech I cant be making those assumptions.

  2. I thought that your visuals overall are very helpful in supplement to your discussion on minorities in STEM. The inclusion of programs and colleges that assist in that also was a very good move and will help in the transition of your information. I do feel however that you could possibly add a few more images/visuals that directly relate to your topic a little more(maybe like graphs on stats of engineering jobs base on minority, etc…) that would help to supplement your discussion with more found research. Otherwise, overall very good!

  3. I feel like you get a great sense of exactly what you’re talking about with these pictures. I like how they’re all different as well. I’m excited as to what you’re gonna talk about using the logos of the different companies. I can see that being one of your strongest points

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