TED Talk Reflections

I’ll start off by mentioning how much fun I had creating and performing my TED talk. From the start of my research to when I edited my final video, I enjoyed almost every part of it. I won’t lie, the works cited page was a hassle, but for the most part, I had fun. I liked the effect that my content and visuals had on the talk, and I think they augmented the performance. As I watch the video back, there were times where I was a bit too animated with my hands, so I’ll keep that in mind in the future. Aside from that, I think the project was successful.

This project gives way to a lot of interesting topics because of its isolated focus on controversy. With that said, I’ve found that the most interesting controversies in the last few years revolve around sex/gender and race. I’d be interested in researching the legalization of gay marriage, gun laws, and transgender rights.

One thought on “TED Talk Reflections”

  1. Mustapha, I also personally really enjoyed the TED talk presentation, more so than the Rhetorical Analysis presentation we did earlier in the semester. I have always wanted to give my own TED talk on the big stage, and this was definitely a step in the right direction for me to achieve that dream. I thought your presentation was extraordinary, and you clearly practiced.

    I think that the topics that you stated are very interesting and are definitely some of the largest controversies that have sparked our society in the recent history.

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