CI/Passion Blog Brainstorming + Review

CI Ideas

  1. Healthcare Discussion

America’s healthcare system is in dire need of restructuring. There’s a strong amount of history and documentation explaining why the system is where it is today, but the most recent and known example is the introduction of Obamacare. While the intention was good, the program caused insurance premiums to skyrocket and consumer choices to decrease.

So how do we fix our healthcare system? Is it a matter of more government funding? Is it time to copy another countries model? That’s what I hope to explore here.


2. College Costs

As we all know, college can be expensive. Cost is one of the most influential determinants for many when deciding where to attend school, and for some, it’s the deciding factor as to whether or not they attend school at all. In this blog, I hope to explore why college costs are increasing, the accumulation of student debt, and potential policy solutions to the issue.

Passion Blog Ideas

  1. I really like talking to people, especially when the conversation leads to the sharing of ideas. There’s a lot of “controversial” topics out there, and people have a lot of interesting views. I think it’d be captivating to both hear and share what those topics/ideas are. The discussions would also be great ways to practice having civil discourse and being more accepting of conflicting views.
  2. I’ve recently gotten into investing, and a big part of that is doing research. I’m still learning how to do that research and what to do with the information, so this would be a good way to a.) force me to actually do the research b.) present the research in a practical manner c.) share what I’m learning

Blogging Analysis

If I’m being totally honest, my blogging last semester was terrible. I thought the idea that I had was pretty good, but having to blog before every class got annoying, and the quality dropped soon after that. I’ve given some more thought to the ideas that I’ve presented for this semester’s blogs, so hopefully, that combined with the lower frequency of blogs will help my quality stay high.