

There are 7.753 billion people on this planet. That’s seven with nine zeros or just a big number. Yet, there’s only one of you. No person has come before you and no person will come after you with the same genetic make-up, physical characteristics, or personality… the list could continue. You are unique. You are perfect at being you, and that’s why I believe in the existence of a higher power.

The belief in a higher power is most rooted in religion, so when I reflect on my belief now, it’s no surprise that my belief is so firm. Much of my childhood was centered around religion. My parents were practicing Muslims, I attended private religious schools, study-abroad experiences, and Sunday schools. As a child, I couldn’t fathom the possibilities that the world boasted, but I was blessed with the comfort of knowing things just worked the way they were supposed to. When I turned on the faucet, clean water gushed out. When I looked in the fridge, there was food waiting for me, and when I reached in my secret hiding spot, there were skittles waiting to be eaten.  Life was perfect.

As I grew, I was exposed to the cruel realities of the world. There were people who lived but didn’t appear to live in the same world as me. On my visit to Nigeria in 2008, I was astonished by the lack of things that seemed so commonplace in my world. There was no dependable Wi-Fi or electricity, food was a rarity to some, and many kids my age certainly did not have the luxury of a Skittle hiding spot. I was confused because to me, if there was a higher power, my world, a world I thought was perfect, would be everybody’s world. Although I didn’t know it then the exposure led me to question how it was possible for a higher power to coexist with such blatant disparities.

10 years later, the question regarding the existence of a higher power crosses my mind. However, with the 10-years of knowledge that I’m hoping I’ve developed through time, I’ve taken more of an introspective approach to the aforementioned question. I look at the blessing of something as simple as the collective human ability to sense and feel. I consider how vegetation is fertilized by the same rain, yet produces fruits of different tastes, colors, and sizes? Lastly, I return to the individuality of man.

There are 7.753 billion people on this planet. Yet, there’s only one of you. No person has come before you and no person will come after you with the same genetic make-up, physical characteristics, or personality… the list could continue. You are unique. You are perfect at being you, and that’s why I believe in the existence of a higher .

Discussion Guide

Deliberation Guide – Pink Tax

Price Disparities Among Gender Targeted Products


The “Pink Tax” essentially describes the overall price disparities among gender-targeted products. Products marketed towards females are often higher priced than the counterpart items marketed towards males. Furthermore, there is a physical tax placed on feminine hygiene products in 48 states which adds to the overall figurative “Pink Tax” experienced by women. 

Approach 1: How can gendered marketing contribute to neutral pricing?

Values: fairness 

One reason for price disparities among genders is uneven marketing. Through equal spending targeting different genders, companies will be able to charge the same price, as opposed to charging more due to increased spending in marketing.

Option: companies can spend the same amount of money advertising to different genders. Or a company could create neutral advertisements/packaging, eliminating gender marketing.

Benefits Drawbacks
Consistency through standardized taxes and prices Supply and demand issues play a role
Fairness – this is an unfair tax Traditional style of marketing, could be hard to change
Product quality will be equal in comparison to its price. Products targeted towards different genders are often intentionally sought after 


Approach 2: How can physical tax regulations on certain products minimize the overall phenomenon of the “pink tax” 

Values: equality

Feminine products such as tampons and pads are taxed in 48 states. Some people (mainly women) consider these products to be necessities. 

Options: Necessities such as milk are untaxed so we can similarly officially consider feminine hygiene products as necessities and eliminate the tax placed on feminine hygiene products. If the tax cannot be completely eliminated it can be lowered to promote fairness and equality. 

Benefits Drawbacks
Feminine products become necessities instead of luxury items. The government collects less money through taxes.
Helps low-income individuals afford needed products. Venders may raise the price since customers will be able to afford it.
Increase awareness of the female reproductive system. Changing/passing legislation is a complicated/long process.


Approach 3: How can decreased focus on hyper femininity and toxic masiculinity solve gender based discrimination?

Values: Tradition

Many ads targeted towards gender-specific audiences include the hyper-feminine and toxic masculine gestures and stereotypical implications through their imaging and slogans. 

Options: As many commercials and marketing draw in the consumer, by focusing on the removal of hyper-femininity and toxic masculinity we can leave room for equality along with eliminating historical diminishing gender roles.

Benefits Drawbacks
Products are less targeted and leave room for gender expression. Kickback from the public.
Less Sexism Conservative views.
Lets neutral products appeal to all genders. These aren’t always made apparent
Companies save money through eliminated targeted advertisements and products. Feminine and masculine products are deeply rooted in marketplaces.