Advocacy Project Plan
- Issue: Fundraise for Penn State’s closest Planned Parenthood
- To ensure that students can access these services if needed
- Medium: website, GoFundMe, meeting that will be hosted by us (this will educate about the services available and be an incentive to donate)
- Audience: University Park students
- Will most likely be females, transgender, non-binary students
Dates to Plan
- April 2nd: Make a reservation for a room to be used for the meeting
- Fiona
- April 4th: Group meeting
- April 6th: Have research on the services being offered by Planned Parenthood
- Jaxon
- April 6th: Have research on which services will be more of a necessity for PSU students
- Jaxon
- April 8th: Create a GoFundMe
- Mustapha
- April 8th: Create a website
- Fiona
- Create GroupMe that will take people’s interest in the meeting to estimate attendance
- Fiona
- April 9th-10th: Create the flyers (with the GoFundMe QR, plus GroupMe)
- Every person will split the work (creating the QR code and designing the poster)
- April 11th: Group meeting (more meetings over zoom or in-person will be figured out)
- April 11th-18th: Start to advertise the GoFundMe and the meeting (hang up posters on public bulletins and others, social media, etc.)
- All
- April 13th: Make the presentation slides for the meeting
- Every person (we will meet beforehand and create them together)
- April 13th: Start practicing the presentation for meeting
- Everyone
- April 18th: Host the meeting in the rented room
- Everyone
- April 19th-20th: Start creating the class presentation (add if needed)
- Everyone
- April 22nd: Donate the funds raised to our closest Planned Parenthood area (if we get more funds we can donate after the 22nd)
- Fiona
- April 22nd- everything needed should be done
- April 25- submit everything (Presentations start)
- April 27th- Presentations
Likely to Go Wrong
- A worry would be that we do not have enough outreach to the students a t Penn State
- Contingency: with the GroupMe and GoFundMe to estimate the outreach, we can reach out to people we know (friends and orgs) to advertise through social media and oral
- April 15th
- Not enough attendance at the meeting
- Contingency: estimation through GroupMe will help us know, we will keep the website and GoFundMe up and still advertise it personally throughout the semester
- The website will have educational factors
- We will have information about Planned Parenthood and services that they can access
- April 15th-25th
- The website will have educational factors
- Contingency: estimation through GroupMe will help us know, we will keep the website and GoFundMe up and still advertise it personally throughout the semester
- We might not have enough funds
- Contingency: we will keep the GoFundMe up after the class presentation, including the website
- April 18th-22nd
Limits to Effectiveness
- The Topic
- Even though this topic is very important, Planned Parenthood is also very controversial
- We will focus on the audience most likely to be interested in it because we are advertising around campus
- Fundraising
- Some people might not want to donate
- We are using social media to reach out to every demographic, including those who are willing to donate