Portfolio: https://mustasalau.wixsite.com/my-site-1
The purpose of my portfolio is to be a living document that highlights my most meaningful experiences during my time at Penn State. When I reflect on my time at Penn State, a big part of my reflection lies in experiences that are either directly related or tangentially related to the College of Engineering. Consequently, I made the decision to highlight engineering work in addition to some of the work that I’ve done throughout CAS to meet the assignment requirement. Given that the website was created as a class final, the primary audience is my professor, Benjamin Henderson. The secondary audience is anyone who may somehow come across the website. I will say, I’ve taken the necessary precautions to ensure that the website can’t be easily viewed by the public, and I do plan on taking down the website after the grading period finishes.
When I think about my experience at Penn State, my life experiences, and the relationships that I have with said experiences, the first thing that comes to mind is my nonchalant approach to my experiences. I’m a strong believer in the fact that everything happens for a reason, and that’s a belief that has guided my experience at Penn State. Consequently, I wanted to website’s appearance and feel to embody that almost nonchalant, minimalist perspective that I have so often. The website only includes information that I thought was necessary, and the information is presented cleanly and clearly. Overall, I’m happy with the way the website turned out, and I’m happy that I’ll be able to use the website in the future.