Analyzation of The Album Cover Art of Continent by The Acacia Strain

Continent - 2008

In 2008, The Acacia Strain released their album, Continent, with the album came the rather amusing and interesting album cover art. That easily catches the eye and makes you wonder what the album could be about based on. By looking at it right from the start the name of the band is seen in white color with the title of the album right under it. The names are easily seen over the warm colors of the cover art. From first looks at the cover art, a kid seems to be looking over a cliff looking down on a huge explosion. Around the massive explosion, a crashed airplane that seems to be bleeding blood can be spotted to the right. In the far right a purple octopus can be seen wondering in the orange waters. On the left, a green creature looks to spitting lava from its mouth. Towards the back on the left there seems to be a walking giant robot, sort of like the robot from the movie, “The Iron Giant”. The robot seems to be walking towards the explosion with its head steaming. In the upper left area, there is a giant hole with teeth in the ground where some sort of sparkly creatures look to be flying into. In closer look, inside the explosion there appears to be a city burning down. Next to it on the right a rail road track is also seen and to the left of the city a forest is also seen where the green creature is walking by. In an even closer look, a tornado of souls is seen coming from the burning city and leading to the sky. Due to my knowledge of the lyrics within the album, which are, “I am the end of the world.” Which leads me to believe the album cover art is suppose to represent an apocalypse.



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