Taylor Swift Trades Her Singing Voice For a Political Voice

Taylor Swift’s political statement is a redeeming moment for the star

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Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP

  • Medium: Newspaper
  • Vehicle: USA Today
  • Original Article
  • Writers: Maeve McDermott
  • Date: 10/9/18
  • Company: Taylor Swift
  • Client: Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift broke her longtime political silence on Sunday about her hometown Senate race. She posted a lengthy Instagram post where she announced that she will be voting for the democratic candidate for Tennessee. Swift acknowledged her reluctance to voice her political opinions but said that the combination of personal experiences and national events that have occurred over the past two years, she felt the need to do something.

With Taylor Swift as my client, this is positive press coverage and a positive move for the artist. These days, people like to see that they stars they admire, look up to and have the power to use their platform to make a difference, are doing so. The Instagram post that shared her values supporting gender, racial and LGBTQ equality will surely earn her points in the eyes of the public.

The main audience affected by this are her fans and the millions of people that look up to her as a role model. She has the ability to influence countless people and these are mostly teenage girls growing into young women and who are at the age where they can vote. Her perspective and political views can spark them to think about their own and take Swift’s into consideration as an influence.

The general public opinion of Swift has been a rollercoaster. She certainly has die-hard, loyal fans and she certainly has people who hate her guts. However, finally sharing her political views that promote pushing this country toward positive change and equality may inspire some of those haters to think again.

In my opinion, Swift should build on this platform and use her political voice to help make positive changes. She should take action on her words and work with different organizations that work to make these changes happen. She has a big enough and expansive enough of a platform that she could not only bring positivity to her reputation, but also to society. Showing that she can be a positive role model for the millions of people that look up to her will not only be good for her, but could benefit everyone else, too.

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