My infomation

Story for Mindy Wu


About: Mindy Wu’s personal website that introducing her school experience and personal profile.


Personal Profile

Mindy Wu, a digital major student in Penn State Erie. She comes from a coastal city in south China; She loves watching movies, taking selfie, and traveling arould the world. She also wants to have a deep understanding in Digit Media study.

School experience

She spent the first two year of her college in UC Riverside. She was major in Film-Making in that time.And she missed the campus life in UCR so much.

Here are some beautiful photographs for UC Riverside

During my school years in UCR,I also made some Chinese friends there and hade a great time with them.


Here are pictures that me having fun with my Chinese friends

Here is the link to UCR school webpage.You can find out some intersting details about UCR

Welcome to UCR website

Here is the link to my GitHub Page

GitHub Link

Here is the link to my website

GitHub Website Link

Creative Commons License

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