Big Mouth

Image source: Netflix


Big mouth is a show focused solely around middle schoolers who are going through puberty and are accompanied by their hormone monsters. Through life changes, body changes, and a load of new found hormones five friends are faced with many obstacles. This show is vulgar in a way that if you are scared to talk about sex or the real life struggles of puberty, then this show may make you uncomfortable. But in reality, the things that happen to these kids has some real life truth.

Ever been worried that your friends were progressing body wise and you weren’t? It happens to the best of us and happened to many of the characters in big mouth such as nick, jessie, and missy. Some of the characters even struggled with a feeling of depression due to their parents getting a divorce and her mom turning gay. Troubling things happen to the best of us and through this show it was able to shine a comedic light on them and give a full circle experience to everyone can be in the same boat.

The over sexualized hormone monsters in this sense are the voice of ones struggles with puberty and the emotions we feel during puberty growing up. In this show there are struggles within the school such as sexist dress codes only needed to be followed by the girls, perverted teachers, and more. This show really targets just about anything you can think of that may have been experience by you or others while you were growing up.

From these experiences, I feel that this show is strongly watched and it getting a lot of attention due to the realistically portrayed characters that are used, and the plot and story is so comedic and hilarious you kinda say to yourself ” wtf” most of the time because its like how is this even allowed.

This show is animated, which isn’t a big thing for people to enjoy typically, but it almost makes it more humorous in a sense that these are cartoon people going through the similar things but the way they are drawn are almost exaggerated. Each episode is around 21 minutes and is short and sweet but still contains a lot of good plots and twists and turns. We even got a valentines special that was posted separately from a new season to give the audience an almost teaser of wanting more of Big Mouth.

Objects and ghosts are even animated and talk to the characters in a way that they are personalized and made for them specifically. Appearances from famous people/icons like Sylvester Stallone, Picasso, and the Statue of Liberty play comical parts in this show and bring a unique aspect to the whole story.

Overall, 10/10 would recommend if you are looking for a show that follows no boundaries.

3 thoughts on “Big Mouth

  1. I have never watched this series, and while it does not appeal to me at all, I do think it is interesting how the show discusses serious topics like depression and sexual orientation in such a crass manner — perhaps this is to appeal to a younger, more immature audience.

  2. I agree with Kelli, approaching serious topics from a cartoonish, direct, and asinine manner is definitely intended to be an appeal to a younger audience.

  3. This sounds like a really funny show, I’ll definitely check it out sometime. I really like reading about your favorite shows and your analysis on them.

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