Potential Ideas

One possible idea that I have for my passion blog is about the appreciation of hockey. Personally, I am a fanatic when it comes to hockey. Though I have never played ice hockey, it is my favorite sport and an activity that I find great joy in watching and playing recreationally. Born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, many people expect me to be a supporter of the Washington Capitals, who happen to be the closest professional hockey team to my town, but unbeknownst to them, I am a Pittsburgh Penguins fan. There is a logical argument as to why I have “betrayed” my home fan base, for my dad is from Pittsburgh and his love of the Penguins and of the city of Pittsburgh has rubbed off on me.
A second idea that I would consider writing about is my love of college football. Unfortunately, I grew up in the shadow of the Ohio State Buckeyes for the same reasons that I am a Penguins fan: my dad attended The Ohio State University. Now that I’m a Penn State student, many find my past troublesome, but it really isn’t that big of a deal; it’s just a game, but it’s one that I love.

Author: Dan

I am currently a rising senior at Penn State University. Throughout undergrad, I have dedicated myself to a major in economics, which I have supported with a business minor and a 3.2 GPA. This summer I worked as an intern at a financial institution called Mariner Finance. I hope that I can use this experience and the skills I've acquired from undergrad to obtain a job in finance. My role as a student and professional has been shaped by the leadership experiences I have had. These experiences include working as a pool manager and serving as Vice President of my fraternity. I am hopeful to continue my journey as a professional in either Pittsburgh or Columbus, where I can obtain my MBA and succeed in a fruitful career.

2 thoughts on “Potential Ideas”

  1. I think that both topics could be interesting considering the discrepancy between your geography and team-loyalty. For either topic, would you write about the history of the sport? Or would your blog be more journalistic and comment on the current state of affairs? I think that treating your blog like the sports section of the newspaper could be an interesting method of improving writing skills.

  2. Sports blogs are often a great pleasure to read and write, but it may be tricky to stay unique and fresh. Is there any distinct perspective of the sport that you could concentrate on to make it uniquely your own? I worry that the topic may be too general otherwise.
    I couldn’t believe on the first day that your father studied at Ohio state university.

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