Two article summary

I was able to find two articles that could help me write the team overview summary. In an article by the New York Times, I read that Penn State has threatened to exterminated Greek Life as a whole, resulting from the tragic death of young Tim Piazza last February. Piazza was a pledge, working hard to do well in school and make it through the pledge process of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity. On the night of his would be induction into the fraternity, Piazza drank too much, endured several falls that gave him severe internal injuries, and eventually died in the hospital early the next morning. The Beta house was immediately expelled from Greek life, and several members were given numerous charges that threatened lengthy jail time. These charges included manslaughter, negligence, and obstruction of justice. The police were able to recover deleted text messages from the fraternity brothers involved in Piazza’s hellish night, and video tapes were obtained to provide evidence of what happened.

President Barron placed Penn State Greek life on a moratorium for serving alcohol after several fraternities broke most alcohol regulations during a parents weekend. During this weekend, fraternities held open parties where just about anybody could attend and have access to alcohol, and hosted the fraternity members’ parents, providing them with alcohol. After this incident, President Barron wrote that there would be “heavy conversation” about the future of Greek life at Penn State University Park.

Something interesting that I read was that President Barron became upset over an email that he read. The email was written by a Penn State Intrafraternity Council member, and it read that fraternity members should keep their alcohol on the upstairs levels, where university social checkers did not have access. To the pleasure of some and dismay of others, Greek life is still prominent at Penn State University Park, and should remain constant as long as nothing serious happens in the near future

Another interesting article that I read was one by the Chicago Tribune. This article was very shocking to read as a Penn State student. A sophomore female described her experiences at the Penn State Kappa Delta Rho fraternity house. Her main point was, “don’t go upstairs,” hinting at the inevitable sexual activity that would take place. She described the parties as being filled with alcohol and fraternity members looking for female mates. The KDR house was kicked off in 2015 for a huge hazing scandal and a Facebook page filled with naked photos of women whom the fraternity had taken advantage.

Each of these articles are going to be very helpful for me in writing the summary for team overview. I can use the examples give in each article to make and support key points regarding Penn State party culture. I don’t think that the entire Greek Life system should be punished for the irresponsibility of a few chapters, but I do believe that regulations should be put in place to restrict the fraternity system to negative and harmful behavior towards women, members, and pledges.

Author: Dan

I am currently a rising senior at Penn State University. Throughout undergrad, I have dedicated myself to a major in economics, which I have supported with a business minor and a 3.2 GPA. This summer I worked as an intern at a financial institution called Mariner Finance. I hope that I can use this experience and the skills I've acquired from undergrad to obtain a job in finance. My role as a student and professional has been shaped by the leadership experiences I have had. These experiences include working as a pool manager and serving as Vice President of my fraternity. I am hopeful to continue my journey as a professional in either Pittsburgh or Columbus, where I can obtain my MBA and succeed in a fruitful career.

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