Reading, PA 19608
Penn State University, Berks Campus, Reading, Pennsylvania, USA
8/2007 – Present Associate Professor of Information Sciences and Technology
8/2001 – 7/2007 Assistant Professor of Information Sciences and Technology
- Taught classes in Information Sciences and Technology (IST) and Security and Risk Analysis.
- Conducted scholastic research.
- Performed service activities that benefited the Berks college, the University, and Community.
Penn State University, World Campus, State College, Pennsylvania
1/2014 – Present Part Time Online Instructor
- Taught SRA 221 (Overview of Information Security)
- Taught IST 852 (Knowledge Management)
- Taught IST 815 (Network Security)
Middle East College Muscat, Oman
9/2011 – 6/2012 Fulbright Scholar
- Received a Fulbright Scholarship from the US State Department to teach in Oman for one academic year.
- Taught two classes in network management/security.
- Conducted research in telecom policy area.
- Advised both faculty and students on how to conduct stochastic research
Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, August 2001
Dissertation: The Development of a Methodology for the Use of Neural Networks Metamodeling and Simulation Modeling in System Design.
Masters of Science, Industrial Engineering, December 1996, GPA 3.8.
Thesis: An Evaluation of Genetic Algorithms to Find Optimal Weights on Heuristics for Stochastic Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problems.
Bachelor of Science, Industrial Engineering, May 1995, GPA 3.5.
The application of Artificial Intelligence, Simulation Metamodeling, Simulation Optimization and Experimental Design.
CISSP since 2014. Member number is 457407.
Security+ since 2006.
Konak, A., Kulturel-Konak, S., Nasereddin, M., Bartolacci, M. 2016. “Impact of Collaborative Work on Technology Acceptance: A Case Study from Virtual Computing,” Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, accepted November, 2016.
Konak A., Kulturel-Konak, S. Bartolacci, M.R, Nasereddin, M., “Impact of Collaborative Learning on Student Perception of Virtual Computer Laboratories”, Frontiers in Education, 2016.
Richards, R., Konak, A., Bartolacci, M.R, Nasereddin, M.,”Collaborative Learning in Virtual Computer Laboratory Exercises,” Proceedings of the Spring 2015 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, Villanova University, PA, April 10-11, 2015, 1-13
Konak, A., Clark, T. K., and Nasereddin, M. (2014). Using Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle to improve student learning in virtual computer labatories. Computers and Education Elsvier, 72.
Nasereddin, M., Clark, T., and Konak, A. “Using Virtual Machines in a K-12 Outreach Program to Increase Interest in Information Security Fields,” 4th EEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC’14), Princeton, NJ, March 8, 2014, 1-7.
Konak, A., Clark, T., and Nasereddin, M. “Best Practices to Design Hands-on Activities for Virtual Computer Laboratories,” Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC), 2013 IEEE, Princeton, NJ, March 9, 2013, 1-7.
Albassam, Nizar and Nasereddin, M. (2013). Solution Space Optimization for RSA Attack. Proceedings of the International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering 2013. IEEE.
Konak, A., Clark, T., and Nasereddin, M., “Practices to Design Hands-On Activities for Virtual Computer Laboratories” Proceedings of the IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference 2013, Princeton University, NJ
Abdou, Khaled and Nasereddin, Mahdi, “The persistence of Hedge Funds Strategies in Different Economic Periods: A Support Vector Machine Approach,” Journal of Derivatives & Hedge Funds,2011,17, 2–15
Nasereddin, Mahdi, Michael Mullens, Dayana Cope, Automated Simulator Development: A Strategy for Modeling Modular Housing Production. Automation in Construction, 2007, 212–223.
Nasereddin, Mahdi, “Using games to teach networking principles”, Proceeding of NAEC2007 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference, 2007.
Nasereddin, Mahdi, Konak, Abdullah, and Bartolacci, Mike, “A Neural Network-Based Approach for Predicting Connectivity in Wireless Networks.” International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation, 2005, Vol. 1, No.1 pp. 18 – 23.
Malik, Farooq, and Nasereddin, Mahdi, Forecasting output using oil prices: A cascaded Artificial Neural Networks approach, Journal of Economics and Business, 2006, Vol. 58, pp. 168-180.
Nasereddin, Mahdi and Mollaghasemi, Mansooreh, Exploring the Choice of Experimental Design Used to Create the Training Set for a Reverse Neural Network Simulation Metamodel in System Design, Journal of Asian Journal Information Technology, 2005, Vol. 4, No.11, pp. 1102 – 1109.
Nasereddin, Mahdi, Using Genetic Algorithms to Find Weights for Multiple Heuristic for the Stochastic Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem, International Journal of Soft Computing, May 2006.
Cossiavelou, V., Nasereddin, M, Konak, A. and Bartolacci M.R. (2005). “A Connectivity-Based, Multi-Objective Model for Optimal Wireless Base Station Placement,” Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Modeling and Analysis, Dallas, TX.
Nasereddin, Mahdi , Mullens, Michael, and Cope, Dayana, Generic Simulators For Modular Housing Factories, Proceedings of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Orlando FL, May, 2002, sponsored by the Institute of Industrial Engineers.
Nasereddin, Mahdi and Mollaghasemi, Mansooreh The Development of a Methodology for the Use of Neural Networks and Simulation Modeling in System Design, Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, Phoenix, AZ, December 1999, 537-542.
Nasereddin, M., Bartolacci, M., and Bruno, M., “Minimizing Radiology Error By Improving Staff Scheduling”,INFORMS Conference, Nashville, TN, November 16th 2016
Abdou, Khaled and Nasereddin, Mahdi, “The persistence of Hedge Funds Strategies in Different Economic Periods: A Support Vector Machine Approach,” MFA Conference, February 2010.
Forecasting GDP using Neural Networks, Mahdi Nasereddin and Farooq Malik, INFORMS, San Francisco, CA, November 2005.
Introduction to Support Vector Machines for Data Mining (Invited paper), Mahdi Nasereddin, INFORMS, Atlanta, GA, October 2003.
Neural Networks and Data Mining (Invited Paper) Mahdi Nasereddin, INFORMS, San Jose, November 2002.
Generic Simulators For Modular Housing Factories, Mahdi Nasereddin, Michael Mullens and Dayana Cope, IERC 2002, Orlando, May 2002.
The Use of Evolutionary Neural Networks as Reverse Simulation Metamodels, Mahdi Nasereddin, Mansooreh Mollaghasemi, INFORMS, Miami, November 2001.
The Use of Neural Networks as a Simulation Metamodel, ,Mahdi Nasereddin, Ph.D. Colloquium, Winter Simulation Conference, Orlando, 2000.
The Development of a Methodology for the Use of Neural Networks Metamodeling and Simulation Modeling in System Design, Mahdi Nasereddin, Mansooreh Mollaghasemi, INFORMS, Cincinnati, 1999.
Analysis of Search Methods for Selecting Weights on Heuristics for Resource Constrained Project Scheduling, Julia J. Pet-Edwards, Mahdi Nasereddin, Basma Selim, INFORMS, Dallas 1997.
Penn State World Campus, State College, PA (2014 – Present)
- Information Security (IST815)
- Knowledge Management (IST 852)
- Overview of Information Security (SRA 221)
Penn State Berks, Reading, PA (2001-Present)
- Network Security (IST 451)
- Advanced Network Administration (IST 228)
- Network Administration (IST 227)
- Statistical Analysis for Information Sciences (SRA 396)
- Advanced System Integration (IST 421)
- IST Capstone Class (IST 440W)
- Introduction to Information Sciences and Technology (IST 110)
- Computers & Operations Research, Reviewer
- 6th annual Wireless Telecommunications Symposium, Track Chair
- Journal of Construction Innovation, Reviewer.
- INFORMS 2006 Conference session chair
- Winter Simulation Conference Publicity Chair (2005)
- Journal of Information Systems Education, Reviewer
- Decision Support Systems, Reviewer
- International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation, Reviewer
- Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS 2005), Reviewer
- Berks Advisory Board Member (2016 – present)
- Berks Administrators’ Council (2016 – present)
- Berks Faculty Senate Chair (2016 – present)
- University Senate Intercollegiate Athletics Member (2015 – present)
- University Senate Campus Athletics Committee Chair (2015 – present)
- Berks Faculty Senate Vice Chair (2015- 2016)
- Berks Senate Faculty Affairs Chair (2015 – 2016)
- Senate Committee on Libraries and Information Systems, Vice Chair, (2014 – 2015)
- Senate Committee on Intra-University Relations, member, (2013 – 2014)
- College Promotion and Tenure Committee member (2008-2010)
- University-wide Faculty Senate member (2008 –Present)
- Computer and Information Systems Committee (University wide senate committee) member (2008)/vice chair (2009)/chair (2010)
- Berks Faculty Senate Executive Committee member (2008-Present)
- Tenure track faculty teaching peer reviewer (2008-Present)
- Information Sciences and Technology Search Committee Chair (2010, 2003, and 2002)
- Academic Affairs Committee Member (2006-2007)
- Diversity Committee Member (2005-2006)
- Physical Facilities and Safety Committee Member (2004)
- Strategic Planning Council – Technology Infrastructure Group Member(2004)
- IST Resources Allocation Committee Member, (2003 – May 2004)
- Career Center Advisory Board Member, (2003 –2004)
- IST Networking Curriculum Committee Member, (2003 – 2004)
- Academic Affairs Committee Member (2003 -2004)
11/1999 – 12/2000 Orlando, Florida, Industrial Engineering Consultant
- Performed capacity planning and work flow analysis.
- Built simulation models using ProModel to analyze modular housing manufacturing plants. The simulation model code was generated through Excel Visual Basic to insure model re-usability.
1/1997 – 7/1999 Industrial Engineering Fellowship Program
- Simulation Software Migration: Was part of the team responsible for converting the Fab simulation model from Tyson Systems’ MANSIM to Automod Autosched AP.
- Simulation Validation Project: Validated the wafer fabrication plant simulation model accuracy
- Hot Prototype Lots Cycle Time Reduction Project: Performed a study to establish the problems that cause the delay in shipping prototype lots
- Clean room Protocol Project: Establishing clean room protocol for a new clean room
- Developed several data mining scripts using Excel VBA.