Monthly Archives: November 2015

12×07: “Something Against You” Recap

The seventh episode of this season continues in a similar tone from the past episode. Meredith decides to use a different approach with dealing with Penny, and instead decides not to spend too much time with her, but sends her to do other tasks instead. Callie gets upset at Meredith because she says that Meredith isn’t teaching her enough. Penny gets mad at Callie and yells at her to “shut up” and “to stop embarrassing her”. This causes even more tension between Callie and Meredith, since Meredith accuses Callie of only coming to Penny’s defense because she’s her girlfriend. Callie leaves, but Penny finally confronts Meredith and tells her that Callie is right, since Meredith isn’t treating her like the other residents.

Meanwhile, we find out that Bailey hired Nathan as a cardiothoracic surgeon at Grey Sloan. Maggie wasn’t too happy about this, since Bailey didn’t run it through her and she’s Chief of Cardiothoracic surgery. She goes into surgery with Nathan and discovers that he’s actually a good surgeon, so she decides to let it go. However, as soon as Owen sees Nathan he gets extremely mad and tells Bailey that she made a terrible decision in hiring him. Everyone is really confused as to why Owen dislikes Nathan, since apparently something happened during their army days. One of the interns finds Owen having some sort of breakdown in an on call room, which leads us to believe it might have something to do with his PTSD. Meredith is worried about Owen, and decides to go talk to him and see what’s wrong. She tells him that she made a promise to Cristina that she would take care of him and make sure he doesn’t go all “dark and twisty.” He says he doesn’t want to talk about it, so we don’t get to find out what’s wrong.

In other news, Arizona decided that she wants to start dating again, and tries to get a wingman to go out with her that night. She asks April and Alex, but they are both unavailable. While she’s talking to Alex about trivia night at the lesbian bar, Richard overhears and tells her that he loves trivia night and he would go with her. Arizona feels awkward and doesn’t know what to say, so Richard ends up going with her to the bar. At the bar, Arizona confesses to Richard that she’s there to meet girls and not for trivia night. Richard is surprised at first, but then decides he’s going to help Arizona and be her wingman.

The episode ended with April and Jackson sleeping together, despite the fact that Jackson was about to ask for a divorce. Overall, the episode was not the best one of the season, but it still had some good storylines and dramatic moments. The Penny and Meredith storyline felt a little repetitive, however, and most fans don’t enjoy Penny’s character. Hopefully she leaves or gets fired soon.

Here’s the promo for the next episode, the Winter Finale:




12×06: “The Me Nobody Knows” Recap


Last week’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy was probably the least exciting one of the season so far. The episode opened up with Maggie, Meredith and Amelia carpooling to work, with noticeable tension between Amelia and Meredith. Maggie kept trying to diffuse the tension by making small talk, but they still refused to speak to each other after what happened at the dinner party. Meredith is also dreading the arrival of Penny to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital as a transfer third year resident, even though she told Penny not to drop out of the program.

When they arrive at the hospital, Bailey tells Meredith that as Chief of General Surgery, it’s her job to take Penny on her service. However, she tells Meredith that Richard could do it if she didn’t feel comfortable doing it. Meredith refuses and says that she’ll do her job and try to teach Penny how to be a better surgeon.

Throughout the episode, Meredith tries to be fair to Penny but ultimately fails. Penny, who is feeling flustered by being on Meredith’s service, isn’t doing her best job, which irritates Meredith. Meredith yells at her multiple times, and ends up being unfair towards Penny. However, we can’t help but sympathize with Meredith, who is clearly having a tough time having to see and teach Penny who was involved in Derek’s death.

Meredith and Richard talk, in which he reveals that he knew about Penny before she was hired. Meredith gets mad at Richard, but then he tells her he wasn’t sure of hiring her years ago because she was Ellis’ daughter. He thought it would be really hard seeing her every day, but she was qualified for the job so he decided to hire her anyway. He reminds Meredith that she is supposed to teach Penny, and that it’s her duty as a surgeon to try and make her better.

Meanwhile, one of April’s army friends, Nathan Riggs, shows up with a boy from Jordan who has Ollier disease, which pretty much makes his hands unusable. April promised him that Jackson would be able to fix his hands, but she neglected to show him the updated scans since she knew Jackson would refuse to operate if he saw them. Jackson gets really mad at April for lying to him, but with Callie’s help they are able to fix the boy’s hands, and the situation between Jackson and April improves.

Overall, the episode wasn’t the most exciting one and the Penny storyline felt somewhat forced after a while. April and Jackson’s storyline, however, gave the viewers hope that there might a reconciliation between them later on in the season. The next episode will explore Owen and Nathan’s past, since they apparently don’t like each other at all.

Here’s the promo for the next episode: