Speech Outline


Okay valued group members, first things first there has been a change here. The World Blood Donor Day ad is gone, finished, voted off the island. My new artifact is another advertisement, this time for a non-profit organization called The Thirst Project. The organization raises money to build wells in Africa, specifically Swaziland, to give communities that have to walk miles for dirty water a local source of clean water. They are directly fighting the world water crisis. Okay, now you’re up to speed, and I will try to lay out a speech now. (also since this is my first entry on this topic, could you also critique my ideas on approaching Kairos, pathos, and the civic as we did in post 1 and 2 if you notice any opportunity? :D)



Speech lay out:

  • Hook involving water, how I had to walk 30 yards for clean water, and many in Africa have to walk miles.
  • Introduce ad and Thirst Project


  • Give outline: talk about ads Kairos, pathos, and easy opportunity for civic engagement.


  • Kairos: As of right now, there are 663million people in the world who don’t have access to safe, clean water. That’s 74 and half New York Cities, or roughly the population of all US States, Puerto Rico, Guam, the virgin islands, and all other US owned territories… twice over. It has been called the most serious global issue of our time. There have been recent moments of water issues in this nation in the last few years, in California or places like Flint Michigan. This ad comes at a time when the world is progressing and those without water are being left behind. Many feel today there are the recourses to fix this global issue so it’s the perfect time to push awareness as much as possible before the issue grows even larger, and that’s what this ad tries to do.



  • Pathos: This advertisement is dripping in pathos. The image of an African villager using the well to wash their hands shows a well, the product of the company, in use, directly showing the good that is done. Now let’s look at the text, “Give Water. Give Life.” Wow. The text directly connects what the organization does to giving life. This ad is mostly directed to first world citizens who all have luxuries such as education, money, and clean water. This ad reminds them that they can help, and tells them that their actions could give life, the greatest gift in existence. This invokes an extremely strong emotional mix of guilt and a desire to become involved as people reflect on what they have compared to those in Africa.


  • The Civic: This ad invokes those who see it to take civic action and help the common good of humanity. This ad has a direct line to an organization through which one can become involved and take civic action, the path is already laid in front of them. The direct call to action “Give Water” begs of people to become civic, to help the needs to millions, and “give life”, what more powerful civic involvement is there.


  • Conclusion that wraps all ideas together again


One last thing guys, let me know if this speech feels like it’s straying from informational and more towards hints of persuasion. I don’t want that.


Fact Sources:





One comment to Speech Outline

  1. rzn13 says:

    I think this outline is very effective. Knowing what the thirst project is all about, I completely agree with what your points are and what you decide to highlight. This perfectly describes the company and more specifically, this advertisement. This topic has potential: you can really engage the audience with it. Plus, because you have significant knowledge in this area will make you seem knowledgeable, which will give you a higher degree of ethos.

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