Cuyahoga Valley, located in northeastern Ohio, is one of the few national parks on the east side of the country. Its close proximity to Pennsylvania makes it the most accessible NP for me, at only a two hour drive from my house, but surprisingly enough, I’ve never been! With spring break coming up in the next couple weeks, I’m hoping to spend some of my down time taking a day trip, or maybe even an overnight trip there. Whenever I get around to visiting, here is what I look forward to doing the most!
Cuyahoga Valley has plenty of hiking, and since that is my favorite outdoor activity, its what I’ll likely spend most of my time doing. One trail that seems particularly interesting, perhaps even enchanting, is the Ledges trail. It’s only a 2.3 mile loop, but it’s a beautiful winnding path through thick forest and tall, moss-covered rock structures. Along the trail there is a small cave, along with plenty of other small pathways nestled between the towering rocks that you can explore. It’s the perfect combination of physical activity and adventure. If you want to extend the hike, you can add on the Pine Grove loop, which is connected to Ledges and will get your mileage up to about 4.1.

Throuhgout the massive forests that Cuyahoga valley has to offer, there are a handful of waterfalls — with great hikes to reach them! The first on my list would be the Brandywine Falls trail, which is about 4 miles. This loop takes you straight to one of the park’s most spectacular water features: a 65 foot waterfall that rushes into a gorge (top image). Another hike leading to a waterfall is the Blue Hen Falls trail. This one is only a 3 mile out and back, but it’s destination is peaceful, thin waterfall that gently glides over the edge of a rock and lands in a pond below.

Unfortunately, both these trails can be quite crowded, so if you’re looking for a more solitary treck, the Wetmore Outer Loop may be a better fit for you. This hike is 6.6 miles, but there is very little elevation change, so it shouldn’t be too daunting for hiking enthusiasts and those who are physically active. The hike doesn’t have any grand destination, it is just a scenic trail through the beautiful deciduous forest of Ohio that is perfect for anyone looking to spend a little time out in nature.
There is plenty more to do in Cuyahoga Valley, but hopefully this serves as a helpful guide for anyone visiting and possibly even inspires some to plan a trip!
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This park looks awesome! After seeing such interesting pictures of it, I think my mind often jumps to the conclusion that it must be far away, but the fact that it is so close to home makes it even cooler. I would imagine seeing some of those waterfalls in person would be even more spectacular. Hopefully you get to go over break and enjoy the trip!
I really enjoyed reading this post! I like how although this national park is aimed for tourists who enjoy hiking, there are completely different sceneries that people can choose to hike based on their personal preferences and level of athleticism. I think the Cuyahoga National Park would be a perfect place to go to after exams are over to relax. I feel a little less stressed from just looking at the pictures, so I think actually hiking the trail and just observing the nature around the valley would do wonders for my mental health.
I find this topic you’ve explored so much to be really interesting! I like how you explain how long certain trails are, what the scenery can be like, and the proximity of the park to our state. I am not much of a hiker myself, but I could definitely see one of my friends (who LOVES national parks) exploring here. I’ll have to pass on your information!