One of my favorite parts about playing games is when I play in large queues with my friends, enough to fill a whole team so we don’t have any random people. Every day my friends and I get on Discord and we play either Valorant, Overwatch, or other games we’ve been into recently. My group of friends on Discord is a mix of best friends from home and our online friends from Virginia! Funny story, my best friend met one of them on Omegle, and they were talking on Snapchat for a while before he invited us to their Discord because they wanted more people to play a “10 man” in Valorant. These are custom Valorant games in which each team consists of people you know.
When we first started talking to this new group of friends, we played a lot of 10 mans together. This was during the time when Valorant beta was released which was also during the beginning of Covid. The game was actually released in June, and during this summer before my senior year of high school was when I really got into games and started improving in Valorant. Ever since we got closer to these new friends, we made plans to meet multiple times and they came up to Philadelphia three separate times! These days were definitely some of the times of my life! 😀
Here’s a picture with all of the friends I’m playing with as I’m writing this! “bunnies” on the right was the friend I was talking about above. Unfortunately we lost the one game we played, but then we got another friend to replace one who left, and then we won!
Valorant is definitely game to queue with my friends in, followed by Overwatch. Less of my friends play Overwatch, so I usually only queue with one or two people in comp. However, a few times we got 12 people for a full custom game of Overwatch! An Overwatch game with all my friends was really fun, and we always want to keep doing them, but it’s really difficult to find that many people.
In addition to the information about hanging out with my large group of friends I mentioned, we’re actually having a LAN party on Dec 17! I’m traveling to Virginia for the weekend with my other friends from back home and we’re bringing our computers to all play together as a group in person during that weekend! I’m extremely excited, which is why it’s easier to get through this week of work and studying because I know I’ll be at a party with all my friends the following weekend! 😀