Recently, almost half of my games have people start being extremely toxic the second I use my mic. The video clip above is an example of an unranked match, not even competitive play! This past week, I would queue into a game, talk how I normally do, and suddenly if I mess up ONE play, the entire lobby starts talking down on me even if they have done worse.
A little backstory for the clip above, I was solo-queuing an unrated match of Valorant because I was waiting for my boyfriend to get on so we could duo-queue competitive, but Valorant’s matchmaking system put me in a game with a 4-queue of men all in a Discord call together outside of the game.
Round 2, one of them yelled at me to watch a certain angle, I said no (an unrated match does not affect my rank, therefore I don’t care about winning), and then he said “Do what I say, you’re a woman” and I wish I was joking. The amount of people I have gotten like this in my games this past week has actually been more than ever before.
He was being toxic to me the whole game, and at certain rounds he would say “[Player name] wants to know if you [would do vulgar things]” as if they were all talking about me in their Discord call, which they definitely were. The same man also kept telling me to shut up every time I spoke. Also, similar to another situation I will definitely cover in my next passion blog, one of them was playing “good cop” and was buying me guns, complimenting me, and asking me to join their Discord.
I honestly was fooled and I thought that that person was solo-queued into our game, but when I went on Valorant’s website to see my match history, I saw that all of them were infact, queued together.
The clip is also from the very last round when the game was ending, and the entire team waited until then to talk trash at the end of the game which is the general pattern of the misogynistic guys I get in my game all of the time. I have a lot of content for future passion blogs just from this week, one of which I’ll cover next week where I was in a competitive game with my best friend, and since we were both together, we just messed with them the entire time.
They would call us fat and ugly, and my best friend would go along with it and make it known she was not offended, and they were literally stunned and didn’t know what to say, LOL. That’s a sneak peak for my topic next week. 🙂