Hi everyone! After a long and hard haul, I got my rank back to Platinum 1! I went on a winning streak of about 14 games straight, and I started at Gold 1 this rank and traveled all the way up to Plat 1.
Here is a screenshot from Valorant’s tracker.gg and it shows all of my stats for every game. K/D means Kill-Death ratio, HS% means head-shot percentage, and ADR means average damage per round. Some games I did a lot worse than others, in which you could see my HS% is very low as well as ADR. If my K/D is red, it means I had more deaths than kills and therefore my ratio would be considered negative.
I go negative many games but there are some where I have an outstanding performance and I also got match MVP twice. Even though I don’t get on the top of the leaderboard every game, I still am able to win games through my communication (if people aren’t being toxic to me) and ability use. I would also usually queue with either my boyfriend or his friend, and queuing with a friend makes it much easier to win because you know their play style and have better communication.
If anyone is looking to rank up, my best advice would be to find one or two other friends to queue up with and try to coordinate abilities together. For example, my boyfriend mains a character with stuns and flashes, while his friend mains someone who can dash in and be aggressive. If you pair their abilities together, you can stun the enemy team and then push them to guarantee easy eliminations.
I’m very happy I was able to rank up so much within the past week and I look forward to getting closer to Diamond within the next act or two. 🙂