RCL5: Advocating for more cross-cultural activities for PennStaters

For the advocacy project, I wanted to advocate for more cross-cultural activities to be done in PennState. The difference between my advocacy project and persuasive essay is my target audience. I think my target audience for this is students organizations in PennState.

I am still not 100% sure on every details but my idea is to advocate for all clubs in PennState to include diversity in their clubs.

Potential strategies:

  1. Study the diversity and cross-cultural events that are currently taking place within Penn State clubs. This might entail conducting surveys of clubs and organizations to learn how much diversity and cross-cultural programming are presently incorporated. I was thinking that this research could provide evidence and data to support my advocacy project.
  2. Develop a persuasive campaign to raise awareness about the benefits of cross-cultural activities and diversity in clubs. This might entail making flyers, posters, or social media posts that emphasize the value of inclusivity, variety, and understanding across cultures in the Penn State community. To communicate the message and inspire others to support my cause, I would use powerful words and images in the visuals.
  3. I would also collaborate or join forces with Penn State groups and societies that are already committed to diversity and inclusion. By collaborating with these organizations, I can strengthen the impact of my message and take advantage of their networks and resources to push for more intercultural events in other clubs. This can also assist in forming an alliance of like-minded people and organizations that can work together to promote change.
  4. I could also engage in a direct advocacy with the university administration, teachers, and club leaders. This might entail arranging talks with club advisors and university representatives to talk about the value of multiculturalism and diversity, and to implore them to include these topics in their clubs’ programming. Strong argument for this topic can also be made by presenting the study, any relevant personal anecdotes, and sharing the findings.
  5. Last but not least, creating workshops or activities that encourage inclusivity and understanding across cultures. This might entail holding panel discussions on diverse and inclusive subjects, diversity workshops, or cultural fairs. These events can create opportunities for dialogue, education, and engagement around the importance of cross-cultural activities in clubs and provide a platform for advocating for change.

In terms of target audience, it is obvious that the advocacy are targeted to student organizations in PennState. However, it could also include faculty members who are passionate about social justice issues, and administrators who are responsible for making decisions about resource allocation and program development.

Some of the values and motivations include fostering a sense of community and belonging among students, fostering an inviting and inclusive school environment, and preparing students for a diverse world. There might also be a desire for fairness and equality, a belief in the value of education and learning, and a sense of responsibility to create positive change in the world.

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