Hi and hello, everyone! If you’re Muslim, Assalamualaikum to you! Welcome to my blog! I’m really excited to share this wonderful journey with you, Bellas! My name is Norsabella Ilyana Binti Ahmad Sabri. I was born on 19th October 2003 in a very nice place in Malaysia called Selangor. I’m currently studying in the University Park of the Pennsylvania State University and am majoring in Economics.
You’re probably wondering what RCL is. When I first saw the class name, I questioned it too and even searched it online. Guess what came up? Royal Caribbean Cruises. Well, I guess we’re cruising, huh? ~(˘▾˘~)
Jokes aside, RCL here is actually not the Royal Caribbean Cruises (or the Radial Collateral Ligament in anatomy). The RCL that we keep mentioning here is actually ‘Rhetoric and Civic Life’, an honor course that basically helps students in their public speaking and English writing skills. As mentioned in its name, it’s about civic life and how we as human beings can live a civic life or become a more civic person in our very adventurous life!
Aside from that, another part of my blog will contain 2 sections: Passion blog and Civic Issues blog
For my Passion Blog, I’ll be mostly talking about my beloved country, Malaysia and I’m hoping you guys would enjoy learning about it more!
For my Civic Issues Blog, I’ll be talking about racism and discrimination faced by people across the world. I hope you care about it as much as I do too!