Visual Rhetoric of a Public Controversy

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In this image, the main argument or ‘power’ I see behind it is the emotion in a place many overlook, which could be referenced in the man walking by in the background. Every day those in our armed forces put their lives on the line to keep our country free, leaving their loved ones and everyday routines at home. It’s something we take for granted, and the purpose of this image is to remind us of the amount of stress and responsibility being placed on these citizen’s shoulders, as represented by the tears brought to their faces when they are finally allowed to come home.

Along with this, the picture is an argument against those who kneel for the flag for societal reasons in our country. It’s saying that by kneeling for the flag, you are disrespecting those who give up their rights every day and only get to see their families in small moments like this. It really uses pathos to its advantage to show how our armed forces are just humans like everyone else.

In fact, that’s the most important point displayed in this image; those in any army or armed forces are just humans. While we may only hear about the killing, death, and tragedy caused on the news, at the end of the day these are just citizens taking order for a cause. It’s telling us to see the humanity the symbolism, and that even if you’re against war, it shouldn’t be taken out against the people in the front lines.

Analysis of a TED Talk

In this speech, the speaker essentially discusses the importance of worth and patience with investing in all aspects of life. In his example, he uses the at first mind-boggling comparison of turning a paperclip into a house, but once he shows his method it isn’t so unbelievable; while the final product is from having a paperclip to owning a house, there are many steps in between that aren’t shown. He at first trades the paperclip for a fish pen, then trades the fish pen for a crazy looking doorknob, and so on. The main idea of his presentation is that people see value in objects in different ways, and with a little bit of creativity, you can get great value out of invaluable-seeming objects, like a red paperclip. This helped expand my overall view of investment in that most of investing is about patience and waiting for things to gain value, as well as finding the right person that sees value in what you have investments in.

The speaker of this Ted Talk really left an impact on the audience with his quirky personality and humorous delivery. His words seemed natural and he gave off a positive vibe that was inviting to his audience and led them to want to keep listening to the presentation. In this way, he demonstrated how he was not just giving a speech word for word, but connecting with the listeners through his presentation and having an actual conversation with them instead of just speaking at them. Overall, the speaker showed that success in presentations and prepared speeches like this come through personality, openness, and a little humor.

Drake and Josh: News Delivery

Although this is dramatized, this clip from Drake and Josh perfectly depicts exactly what NOT to do in any given speech or delivery.

First of all, Josh begins thinking about the possibility of making a mistake, which is exactly when he starts tripping himself up! In order to succeed, one must clear their head, relax, and give their presentation without worries of mistakes. Everyone will mess up, so don’t let it get in your head.

Second, Josh’s delivery does not sound natural. His words come off as unnatural, and he begins to stutter and trip over his sentences quickly into the news cast. In order to avoid this, make sure your speech is well-rehearsed and about a topic that you feel comfortably knowledgeable about; that way if you do make a mistake, you have the knowledge to correct yourself.

Third, Josh’s body movements seem unnatural. While it’s obviously dramatized, Josh begins to twitch, tighten up, and give uncomfortable face expressions (not to mention sweat a lot). To boil it down to our speeches, don’t be stiff! Make yourself look comfortable in the environment and you will in turn feel comfortable as well. In order to do this, maybe visit the OBS a few times to get an idea of what presenting there will be like.