- Alejandro Munoz (undergrad at the Neuroethics Lab) presented a poster as part of the Eberly College of Science Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (ECoS SURE) program at Penn State University. Alejandro has been working on a project that involves interviews with first respondents on the use of tDCS as a fatigue countermeasure.
- Dr. Cabrera was invited panelist as part of the Neuromodec Webinar Series on May 23. Her presentation was Neuromodulation as a Fatigue and Workload Countermeasure:Perceptions, Performance, and Ethics Dilemma.
- Dr. Cabrera was an invited discussant on the Avancing Human Neuroscience through Neural Stimulation and Recording: Opportunities and Challenges for Coordinated Efforts Virtual Workshop held by the National Institutes of Health. May 23-24.
- Dr. Cabrera was an invited discussant as part of the International Neuroethics Society Annual Meeting Neurorights Debate. April 19.
- Dr. Cabrera was an invited speaker at the Neuroelectronic Interfaces Gordon Research Conference, Galveston, TX, taking place on March 10-14. Her presentation was on “Ethical Issues of Novel Neuroelectronic Interfaces: Old Wine in New Bottles?”
- Dr. Cabrera was an invited panelist for the MS Bioethics and Health Policy consortium on March 8th, to discuss Neuroethics and new neurotechnologies.
- Dr. Cabrera was an invited Keynote Speaker at the 12th Annual Neuroscience Event in Neuroscience Labroots on March 6. Her presentation was on “Ethical & Societal Considerations of the Collection, Management and Use of Multi-dimensional Data”.
- Dr. Cabrera was an invited panelist as part of the Study Section on The Science and Ethics of Measuring and Modeling Individual and Group Behavior, at the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP), Tampa, FL, December 5,Her presentation was on “Ethical issues around collecting real-time behavior and psychological data”.
- Dr. Cabrera was an invited speaker for the Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico, Comite de Etica y de Investigacion, Facultad de Medicina, giving a talk on “Neuroetica: Perspective y expectativas”. September 27, 2023. [Virtual]
- Dr. Cabrera was part of a panel in neuroethics during the National Hispanic Science Network Annual Conference that took place on September 21-23.
- Undergraduate students, Logan Wincott and Manisha Kodavatiganti, presented at the 2023 PSU Undergraduate Exhibition, about their work on this TMS and adolescent project. Miss Wincott poster “The attitudes, perceptions, and ethical concerns around the use of neuromodulation. Examining unique issues in children and adolescents,” was selected for a $50 honorable mention award for the University Libraries Undergraduate Research Award.
Miss Wincott (Top), Miss Kodavatiganti (bottom).
- Dr. Cabrera was a keynote panelist for the public panel on “Should we Create Gods of War? Assessing the Ethical and Legal Posture of Soldier Enhancements”.
The Public panel, was followed by 1.5 days workshop, discussing the ethical and legal implications of super soldiers.
- Dr. Cabrera presented as an invited panelist for the Future of responsible brain research event. If you want to see the presentations from the event you can read more and access the videos here: https://www.ethicsdialogues.eu/2023/03/21/the-future-of-responsible-brain-research/
- Dr. Cabrera was an invited Speaker as part of the IEEE Brain Discovery Neurotechnology Workshop on Brain, Mind and Body: Cognitive Neuroengineering for Health and Wellness. She presented on “Developing Responsible Neurotechnology for Health and Wellness: The IEEE BRAIN Framework”. November 11.
- Dr. Cabrera was an invited panelist for the Drexel Kline School of Law’s Fall Symposium Neurotechnology and the Law.
- As part of the National Network of Depression Centers Annual Conference, Dr. Cabrera presented preliminary results from her Momentum grant. “Attitudes and ethical concerns toward use of TMS in depressed adolescents: a qualitative study of recipients and their parents”, September 20-21
- As part of the 16th World Congress of Bioethics, Dr. Cabrera presented two papers from her PEI project, one on “Perceived Barriers by Providers and Patients Around Psychiatric Electroceutical Interventions, and one on “Perceived Ethical Concerns to Using Psychiatric Electroceutical Interventions: A National Survey”. Both papers co-authored with Robyn Bluhm, Eric Achtyes, and Aaron McCright. July 20-22.
- Dr. Cabrera was a panelist for the Digital Showcase: IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference, in the panel on “Wrapping Your Head Around Mind Control: Ethical Implications of Neurotechnology”. June 5-7.
- Dr. Cabrera was a speaker for the TMS Clinical Society Grand Rounds Webinar Series, presenting on “Perceived Barriers to Using rTMS for depression: A National Survey of Psychiatrists, Patients, Caregivers, and the General Public”. April 5
- Dr. Cabrera was a panelist for the Clinical Neuromodulation Session. 1st Congress of the Mexican Neuroethics Association “International Perspectives”, February 10-11
- As part of the International Neuroethics Society (INS) annual meeting, the Neuroethics lab presented 4 posters.
- Cross analysis of literature and clinical guidelines regarding psychiatric electroceutical interventions (PEIs) with practical concerns of psychiatrists.
- Psychiatric electroceutical interventions and their potential to influence personality: A cross-analysis of survey and interview results. [Selected as top abstract by AJOB Neuroscience]
- Online comments about DBS for opioid addiction: Public perceptions and concerns.
- Are New Rights the Way to Mental and Brain Privacy? [Selected as top abstract by AJOB Neuroscience]
- Co-organizer and moderator. Special Session: “Guiding Responsible Neurotechnology Innovation.” The IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS). Oct 28.
- Invited Panelist. Ethics of AI for Neurotechnology. 3rd Neuroergonomics Conference, September 15.
- Invited guests speaker Synpatic Hacks on The Importance of Integrating and Engaging Neuroethics in Neuroscience.. July 30.
- Co-organizer and panelist. International Neuroethics Society Emerging Issues Task Force Webinar on Environmental Neuroethics: the Crossroads of Environment, Brain and Mental Health. June 17.
- Panelist. Privacy + Security Forum session on “Privacy and the Connected Mind: Addressing the Unique Challenges Posed by Neurotechnologies,” virtual, May 26, 2021
- Panelist. John Hopkins Translational Neuroengineering Technologies Network Neuroethics panel, Virtual, May 20, 2021
- Panelist. Neuroethics and AI in the global context. Brain Awareness Week organized by the Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences at the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, Virtual, March 17, 2021.
- On March 5, it took place the Livewire event, a virtual entertainment event that combines neuroscience, neuroethics, and interactive media for participatory technology design. Dr. Cabrera was one of the Neuroethics experts facilitating discussion during the event.
- Panelist. Translating ethical principles to good practices in neurotechnology development, as part of the BCI Workshop on the Need of Good Practices and Standards for Benchmarking Brain-Machine Interfaces, Virtual, March 4, 2021
- Q&A Panelist at International Youth Neuroscience Association’s (IYNA) Neuroethics Workshop, virtual, February 27, 2021.
- Panelist. Neurotechnology- Ethics and Societal Implications. Western University Neuroscience Research Day. February 18-19, 2021. [virtual]
- Panelist. IEEE Brain Neuroethics Framework. Neuromatch 3.0. Virtual, October 26, 2020.