This is part of my lecture notes on Kinetic Theory of Gases, taught at Penn State last semester, Fall 2017. In this part, I’d like to introduce this nice Bardos-Degond 1985’s global solutions to the Vlasov-Poisson system. Of course, the global smooth solutions are already constructed, without any restriction on size of initial data (e.g., Pfaffelmoser, Schaeffer ’91; see also the previous lecture), however they give no information on their asymptotic behavior at large time. Now, for initial data that are sufficiently small near zero, Bardos and Degond were able to construct global smooth solutions that decay in large time. To my knowledge, this was the first result where dispersion is rigorously shown for kinetic equations (they appear to be motivated by similar results for nonlinear wave equations where dispersion was (still is) the key to deduce the global behavior at the large time; e.g., Klainerman, Ponce, Shatah, among others, in the early 80s).
Precisely, we consider the Vlasov-Poisson system:
on , with
denoting the charge density. The starting point in constructing Bardos-Degond’s solutions is the dispersive estimate for the free transport
posed on . Indeed, the solution reads
and hence
This implies that as long as is integrable, the density satisfies
. Here and in what follows, we consider the time
, for otherwise the density is already bounded by
. In addition, a direct computation also yields
, for
, under some extra regularity assumption on initial data.
Going back to the Vlasov-Poisson system (1), once the density is shown to decay at order , the standard elliptic estimates yield decaying for the electric field; namely,
On the other hand, the standard elliptic estimates yield that decays essentially as fast as
, possibly up to some logarithmic growth in time: precisely,
The decay will be sufficient to apply the standard nonlinear iteration, yielding the global solution to the Vlasov-Poisson system.
Theorem 1 (Bardos-Degond ’85) There exists a positive constant
so that for any initial data
, smooth solutions
to the Vlasov-Poisson system (1) exist globally in time. In addition, there is some universal constant
so that
for all
In what follows, I give a proof of the Bardos-Degond’s theorem.
1.1. Estimates on characteristics
Recall the particle trajectories solving
with . Assuming a priori that
is sufficiently small and decays as in (3), we show that the particle trajectories are not far from those from the free transport. To keep track of the iteration, let us introduce
Lemma 2 There is a universal constant
so that for any
, as long as
remains sufficiently small, there hold
Proof: Fix . For any
, we compute
with and
. Integrating with respect to time yields
Let be the right hand side. Using (5), we check that
for some universal constant . That is,
maps from
to itself and it is contractive for
sufficiently small. This proves the claimed estimate for
. The estimates for the other quantities follow similarly. The lower bound (6)follows from the estimate on
1.2. Density etimates
We obtain the following a priori estimates on the density .
Lemma 3 Let
be defined as in (5). Assume that
and its derivatives satisfy
and for some finite
. Then, as long as
remains sufficiently small, there holds
Proof: Recall that solutions to the Vlasov-Poisson system satisfy
Thus, similar to (2), we compute
Using (6), we obtain
which proves the estimate for , when
. For
, we have
. As for derivatives, we compute
Since both and
are uniformly bounded from Lemma 2, the estimate for
follows similarly.
1.3. Nonlinear iteration
Let us now introduce the nonlinear iteration. Set
Our goal is to prove that for sufficiently large and sufficiently small
, there holds
which would end the proof of Theorem 1, upon taking sufficiently small. Note that the local existence theory shows that
exists for some short time and is continuous. The estimate (7) yields a global solution, upon using the standard continuous induction.
We need to check each term in the definition of . First, using Lemma 3, we have
Note that by definition (5), . As for the fields, the elliptic estimates yield
Next, using the elliptic estimate 4, we estimate
Thus, taking large so that
small so that
, we obtain (7) at once. The Bardos-Degond’s global solutions follow.
[…] Introducing the change of variable and recalling that the map is a diffeomorphism, one essentially reduces to the similar calculation as done for the free transport. I also discuss in somewhat details the proof here on this blog post. […]