Snapshots in Mathematical Physics Group

  • The goal of this group is to review some classical unsolved problems in physics and study recent mathematical progress on them. Of interest include fundamental problems in fluid dynamics, plasma physics, quantum mechanics, and general relativity. Activities include weekly meetings, presentations, and seminars to go over relevant materials. Contact me if you’re interested in joining the group.
  • PDE Seminar.

Spring 2024:


Fall 2023:

Spring 2023: 

  • Weekly meetings to review the question of global regularity for Vlasov-Maxwell systems and Hartree equations after Glassey-Schaeffer, Glassey-Strauss, Klainerman-Staffilani, and after Lewin-Sabin, respectively.
  • Main presenters: Chanjin You, Kieran Cavanagh.

Fall 2022:

Spring 2022:

Fall 2021:

    • The group will focus on problems in quantum mechanics, which meets weekly on Wednesdays 4-6pm, MB114 in person and via a zoom broadcast. The first meeting is on Aug 25th (organizational).


Old slides:
