Consider the classical incompressible Euler equations in two dimension; namely written in the vorticity formulation, the transport equation for the unknown scalar vorticity ,
posed on a spatial domain , where the velocity field
is obtained through the Biot-Savart law
(with convention
). By construction, the velocity field
is incompressible:
. When dealing with domains with a boundary,
is defined together with a Dirichlet boundary condition that corresponds to the no-penetration condition of fluids
on the boundary.
The global well-posedness theory of 2D Euler is classical: (1) smooth initial data give rise to solutions that remain smooth for all times (e.g. the Beale-Kato-Majda criterium holds, as vorticity is uniformly bounded for all times; in fact, being transported along the volume-preserving flow, all norms of vorticity are conserved), and (2) weak solutions with bounded vorticity are unique (see Yudovich ’63).