Phan Thanh Nam (LMU Munich) and I have been organizing a Summer School series in Mathematical Physics in Vietnam, hosted by the Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM) and local universities in Vietnam, first in Hanoi (August, 2022), then Quy Nhon (August, 2023), and the next one is in Hue (August 5-10, 2024). The goal of the summer school series is to bring together leading international experts, young researchers, and students from the diverse areas of mathematical physics and partial differential equations to disseminate the recent developments and to train the next generation scientists in the field.
This is to initiate a long-term collaborative program to promote and develop a mathematical physics community in Vietnam and neighboring countries in Asia. The summer school features some selected topics of current research in mathematical physics in a broad sense, focusing on open problems in classical and quantum mechanics as well as related mathematical questions in spectral theory, functional analysis, partial differential equations, geometry and probability. Both undergraduate and graduate students from all over Vietnam and the world with diverse backgrounds are encouraged to attend and participate in the summer school.
The last summer school was held at Quy Nhon University (QNU) and International Centre for Interdisciplinary Science and Education in Quy Nhon (ICISE) in the city of Quy Nhon, and was endorsed and partially supported by the International Association of Mathematical Physics (IAMP). It had received very positive feedbacks from participants, and was highlighted in the News Bulletin of the IAMP in the October 2023 issue. For the scientific program, see here.
The next summer school will be held at the Hue University of Education in Hue. It continues be hosted by the VIASM and endorsed by the IAMP. The scientific program includes 4 mini-courses and 5 invited talks:
1. Principal Lecturers (4-hour mini-courses):
- Mitia Duerinckx (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
- Yoshiko Ogata (University of Kyoto, Japan)
- Wilhelm Schlag (Yale University, USA)
- Robert Seiringer (Institute of Science and Technology Austria)
2. Invited Speakers (1-hour talks):
- Lê Văn Phú Cường (Heidelberg University, Germany)
- Tô Tất Đạt (Sorbonne Université, France)
- Marcin Napiórkowski (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Jia Shi (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
- Maxime Van de Moortel (Rutgers University)
For more information, see here.