a brief reflection of making a site

For this Project I was required to make two sites. One on github and another on wordpress or sites.psu.edu. for my second website i decided to use sites.psu.edu. Right off the bat I would like to point out the stoic contrast between making a site on github and psu sites. github allows a little bit more freedom with designing a website and you are limited only by your knowledge of code where as on sites.psu you have to follow what they give you for making a site. over all I enjoyed making a site on github more than on penn state sites. it was much more of a test to my creativity than the psu sites. here is the link to my github site



welcome to my site!

Hello anyone and all who may come across this site in the future! My name is Nicholas Versagli but you can call me Nicky…. I have a passion for art, video games, and making things. so I though why not combine the two and go down the path of making and design for video game graphics!. here on this site you will find an ever growing portfolio of my works as well as my work experience!  https://sites.psu.edu/nickdig100/a-brief-reflecti…of-making-a-site/ ‎

The Resume