
This is another adventure brought to you by my sixteenth birthday cruise. This time we are in the glorious country of Mexico. The original stop for the cruise was Cozumel but my family booked an excursion unbeknownst to us on mainland Mexico. While mostly all passangers got off onto dock people that were going to mainland Mexico were given a specific time to get to the other side of the boat. At this point, I was unsure of what our excursion intailed but assumed nothing of being told where to meet. We were then loaded onto this rinkydink boat and whisked away to Mexico.

On the ship before the excursion. Who knew it was going to rain?

Terror struck and it started pouring. There was a little cover over our heads but that did nothing to stop the torrential onslaught caused by the rain and wind. The plastic cover was flying all over and people were trying to keep it down. Nothing worked so by the end of this twenty-five minute boat ride we were soaked. When we got off of the boat, the ground was covered in rain. The excursion to the ruins was already canceled and I was worried that our trip to swim in caves would be canceled. However, it was not canceled and we were carted to a van with two other families. The ground was flooded and we could not see out of the windshield. I was terrified of driving in this rain and of having the van get stuck in the water. The van jerked and was able to pull through the water.

Image result for playa del carmen boat from ship
This is not my picture but this is the dock we got off at. I did not take my phone to Mexico. We did buy a disposable camera but I do not have the camera/pictures. 

We drove for about thirty minutes and finally got dropped off in the middle of the woods. We were each given a life jacket and a helmet with a light on it. We were told specifically to not get the light in the water. Of course that means right away, I get this helmet soaked. I never got yelled at for this and the light still worked so I guess that it was fine. Now in this cave, there were bats flying around us and honestly at first I had no idea what they were and I wish that I never found out. My little sister asked what was on the ceiling and the tour guide said ‘You don’t want to know’. See the issue with that response is that it just makes you even more curious. After pestering him, he finally answered with bats. These bats honestly were not that scary but that didn’t matter, they were still bats. Every time one flew by I shrunk away.

Even though the bats were terrifying, the rest of the cave was so cool. It was so pretty. There were stalactites and stalagmites. There was a stalagmites getting formed right in front of us. There was water dripping down from the ceiling onto it. We explored this cave for over an hour. Afterwards, we were dropped off on a street with a bunch of giftshops and I was able to get my snow globe. It turned out where we were in Mexico was Playa del Carmen. Obviously, it was an unexpected change of events when we were boarded onto a boat from the back of the ship but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

7 thoughts on “Mexico

  1. Such an exciting trip to read about! I’ve been thinking about going to Mexico this past summer actually and I’ve heard about the caves. It’s nice to hear a first-hand account about it! This just makes me so much more excited to visit there!

  2. This was so interesting to read! It sounded like an adventure from a movie as I was reading it. Your picture of Mexico looks so beautiful, it totally makes me want to visit.

  3. This trip sounds so cool! I love traveling so Mexico cave exploring is on my list now. Did you do anything else in Mexico or did you only go cave swimming? I can’t wait to read where else you’ve been.

  4. I’ve never traveled outside the United States, so it was super cool to hear about your adventures in Mexico! I too definitely would’ve been scared about the bats.

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