RCL #5

I think my Civic Artifact Speech was solid, but could definitely use improvement in some areas.  I think I hit all of the talking points that I aimed to, and that I left the impression that I aimed to.  That being said, I think my nerves got to me.  I stumbled a couple times during the speech, and even though I recovered, I lost some momentum.  A little more preparation would definitely have been helpful, but I was trying not to just memorize the outline I had written and rather deliver a more impactful, sincere speech, but the added factor of delivering it in front of an audience rather than in front of my computer definitely tripped me up, and I’m sure that my delivery will get better with practice and experience.  In retrospect I also feel as though I could’ve benefited from some additional statistics, as when I watched the other speeches people tended to have more data than I did.  This is probably in part due to my topic, as finding data specifically relating to the effect of the Uncle Sam poster is pretty difficult.  Overall, though, I think my performance was solid, and I’ll be sure to keep all of these things in mind for next time.


One thought on “RCL #5

  1. I agree, I thought your speech was very well versed and performed. The content was very strong, as well as the graphics that went along with it, such as the “I Want You” poster. I think when it comes to nerves, only lots of practice could help ease that, so over time it should be fine. Overall great job!

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