Where to Find Mechanical Keyboards

If you have been following this blog over the last couple months, you may have become somewhat intrigued to learn about the hobby of building custom mechanical keyboards.  That being said, finding information about mechanical keyboards can be somewhat difficult – unless you know where to look.  That has kind of been the purpose of this blog, but realistically there is so much more for even me to learn, so the object of this post will just be to shed some light on where you can learn more about keyboards, or maybe even buy one.

First off, it’d be irresponsible to not to discuss YouTube as the overall best option for finding out more about mechanical keyboards.  There are hundreds of creators who will break down the ins and outs of mechanical keyboards, as well as provide guides to how they built their own.  Some of my favorites are Taeha Types and Hipyo Tech but if you do just a little bit of digging I think that anyone could find a channel suited to their taste.  Let’s say you’re interested to know more than the basics, though, or maybe you are planning your first build.  Where can you go to find out information about specific components, compatibility, or in depth reviews before you buy?  The answer is most definitely Reddit.  There are two notable subreddits about mechanical keyboards, but we’ll just focus on one for now, and circle back to the other later.  The first subreddit is called r/MechanicalKeyboards, and it is by far the best source of information regarding mechanical keyboards.  With over 1 million members, the thread is among the best places to discover keyboard-related content, or have your questions answered.  I’d recommend anyone venturing into the hobby for the first time to consider signing up for Reddit and joining, as there is simply no other place like it for custom keyboards.  Now, where can you actually buy the parts to build one?

Two websites instantly come to mind, KBDFans, and NovelKeys.  KBDFans is the producer/distributor of high quality keyboard components, some being originals and some being sourced from other vendors.  The only notable problem with KBDFans is the price range, which tends to be fairly expensive, as well as the long lead times for orders.  It often takes them 2 weeks just to process an order, and another extended shipping period from China.  That being said, their customer service is actually very helpful, and quickly resolved one of the previous issues I had had with my order.  NovelKeys, on the other hand, only sells a couple different keyboard designs.  They are still, however, the best place to find switches, and any keyboard related accessories like lube or soldering tools.  They ship from America so you can expect your order within a week.  Now, as we’ve discussed, higher end custom keyboards and accessories are often hard to come by, and only have limited buy phases.  What happens if you miss out on a board you like?  Well lucky for you there is an extensive secondary market, just as there is for clothing or cars.  Keep in mind that prices will be significantly inflated compared to what the manufacturer’s price is.  The best place to find any and all older/more exclusive keyboards is r/MechMarket.  Most sellers on the thread have been vetted, and can provide an extensive history of verified sales; that being said, you should always be careful paying for items directly from individuals with no sort of buyer protection.  Whereas Ebay will often insure your purchases, Reddit is just a networking site, and will not reimburse you for any purchase.  The user will almost definitely be banned, but you’ll be left missing potentially hundreds of dollars.  There is an easy solution, though.  The most common platform for online sales is PayPal, and r/MechMarket is no different.  Nearly every seller will accept payment through PayPal.  Sellers who are trying to take advantage of you or scam will ask you to select the ‘Friends and Family’ option in PayPal, under the guise that they are trying to avoid paying taxes on the sale.  Don’t do this, it’s not just good advice for keyboards, either.  They ask you to select this option so that PayPal will decline any appeal you file in the event that you are scammed.  Since you selected friends and family, PayPal is not liable for the lost money.  Don’t let any of this deter you, though, if you do decide to check it out.  It’s really not all that common.

2 thoughts on “Where to Find Mechanical Keyboards

  1. Naveen, thank you so much for writing about the best ways to learn about / buy mechanical keyboards. From reading your blogs, I have wanted to upgrade my dorm room set up. Thus, I will be looking at the subreddit to learn about mechanical keyboard and pick the best one for me. I will definitely keep you in the loop.

  2. It was interesting to learn that the best place to look out for ways to get your hands on mechanical keyboards is through reddit. When I was buying my PS5 I was going essentially off of twitter notifications to let me know about when there were drops, so it’s cool to see reddit working that way too. Not surprising, considering anything and everything has a place on reddit, but interesting nonetheless.

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