RCL #10

I plan to do a number of things in order to create an effective TED Talk.  The first is to rely heavily upon the information gathered for my paradigm shift essay.  People are not going to understand the magnitude of the shift if there is not significant evidence to back it up.  That being said, […]

RCL #9

Below is the discursive bibliography for my article about a shift in the way discipline is conducted in American Schools – from one that uses punishment as a deterrent, to one that tries to understand the motivations of students and provide a constructive response to bad behavior, as well as encourage good behavior.  I apologize […]

RCL #8

I have a couple ideas for my Paradigm Shift Essay, but I think the strongest candidate of all of them is how discipline has been administered in schools over time.  If you look back only 30 years ago, students were routinely reprimanded for minor infractions, and endured harsh discipline such as paddling.  More recently, though, […]

RCL #7

Prior to taking English 137H, I had been exposed to rhetorical strategy.  I was able to identify the different strategies and rhetorical choices at play that made certain speeches, writings, etc. convincing.  That entire time that I had spent focusing on rhetoric alone, though, I neglected to consider the different civic aspects of different artifacts.  […]

RCL #6

One civic artifact that I think would complement my original artifact very well is Barry Goldwater’s 1964 campaign slogan: “In your heart, you know he’s right.”  The original focus of my civic speech was that Uncle Sam’s I want you poster makes fundamental assumptions about the audience, therefore prescribing them an image irrespective of their […]

RCL #5

I think my Civic Artifact Speech was solid, but could definitely use improvement in some areas.  I think I hit all of the talking points that I aimed to, and that I left the impression that I aimed to.  That being said, I think my nerves got to me.  I stumbled a couple times during […]

RCL #4

VoiceThread Speech I think that my introduction/hook, as well as my refutatio are very effective.  I feel like they get my point across pretty concisely, and do a good job at their respective roles.  That being said, I’m looking for input on my peroratio and confirmatio, as well as input as to how the whole […]

RCL #3

In my elevator pitch, and eventually my civic artifact speech, I aim to analyze Uncle Sam’s “I Want You” poster strictly through the lens of persuasion.  What techniques does it employ to disseminate its message?  Were the tactics effective, and did they eventually meet its target/goal?  Rather than analyze the bias of the artifact, or […]

RCL #2

Exordium show Uncle Sam Poster “I want you” explain context of World War 1: struggles to recruit, etc. explain origins from British recruiting poster “Your country needs you” and show graphic. Partitio explain why recruitment was difficult – conditions in America, apprehension about the war/danger, etc. explain the way that the poster used commonplaces to […]

RCL #1

The civic artifact that I find interesting is Uncle Sam’s “I Want You” poster from World War 1.  There is more than meets the eye with this effective recruiting poster, and the commonplaces it demonstrates are as observable today as they were over 100 years ago when this poster was distributed.  On the surface the […]