
How can you determine how well your blended delivery is working for your students?  How can you gather information that will enable you to improve your blended design in the future?

These assessment questions are tricky, but here are a few suggestions:

  • Compare student learning outcomes from previous ‘traditional’ delivery versions of your course to the same outcomes in your blended course.  If you can, compare performance data for a specific module, topic, skill, etc.
  • Collect student feedback multiple times throughout the semester so you can adjust as you go along.  Small changes based on student input can improve your blended course and your students will appreciate your efforts.
  • Bring in an outside person to talk to your students about how the course is going.  Students may be able to voice problems and elaborate more easily with someone other than you in an informal conversational setting.

A few resources to help out:

PDF of some sample assessment questions for blended redesign

PDF of a draft of a Qualtrics Survey (which can be shared)

Quality Assurance in Blended Learning – from the Blended Learning Toolkit

AACU Rubrics – may help in providing data for comparing student performance year to year

Evaluating Online Teaching: Implementing Best Practices by Thomas J. Tobin, B. Jean Mandernach, Ann H. Taylor.  This 2015 book is available in our own Blissell Library.

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