About Blended Design

There are so many resources available to help faculty design blended courses it may be difficult to find the ones that best suit your teaching style and personality.  Here are a few essential tips to set a successful stage, and below that are links to more resources.

  • Use technology that you are comfortable with; keep it simple and focused on course goals and objectives
  • Clarify the online expectations to students and build some means of accountability into outside assignments
  • Point out some benefits of blended learning to students (time flexibility, independent learning skills, tech skills, real world experience, more F2F time for difficult material)
  • Be super organized – so students know exactly what they are supposed to do, and when.
  • Emphasize continuity between in class and out of class content and activities
  • Take advantage of the freedom of out of class time to create engaging activities for students
  • Establish strong communication lines – both student to student and student to faculty
  • Think about building assessment of blended delivery into the course right at the start – and adjust as you receive useful feedback.

More Resources

Hybrid/Blended Learning at the Commonwealth Campuses

Looking for the Pedagogy in Blended Design – Educause Learning Initiative

The Blended Learning Toolkit: Improving Student Performance and Retention – Educause Quarterly

Blended Learning Toolkit – Design and Delivery Principles – University of Central Florida Blended Learning Toolkit

BlendedKit Course: Readings – University of Central Florida Blended Learning Toolkit

BlendKit DIY Tasks – sequence of tasks to tackle as you build your blended course (includes lots of templates and samples)

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