MMS: Box Office Slides

Within the last year, box office numbers have been plummeting to some of the lowest numbers they have seen. The plunge has taken a 16.19% dip. Ticket prices have gone up in order to compensate for the loss of money in many box offices. The prices have gone from about $8.97 to $9.11. This dip has been detrimental to some companies. Even after some of the largest movies coming out such as Avengers: Endgame, which brought in $426.8 million to the offices, they are still seeing lower numbers.

I see movies in theaters maybe once a month if that. I think that going to the movies is like a treat. I forget that the movie theater exists sometimes but when I go I love it! Now that Netflix and other streaming websites have surfaced going to the movies can be a hassle. I also don’t feel like paying for a movie all the time. It can be too much to go to the movies. Where I live, the closest movie theater is a 30-minute drive which in the long run doesn’t seem that far, but getting out there is a day trip. If I’m going to the movies I’m going to see something that I’ve been waiting months for.

The last movies I went to see in theaters was Bohemian Rhapsody and Rocketman. In my opinion, movies that include music like that need to be seen with the amplified sounds of a theater or my headphones. I couldn’t wait to see those movies so when they came out, my friends and I rushed to the theaters but that doesn’t happen very often.

My parents go to the movies way more than I do. My dad always says that there is nothing better than a good movie in theaters. You never know when your older and you’ll be able to say you saw that legendary movie in theaters. He also asks himself if it’s worth it. Do I need to go to the movies or should I wait for it come out on Apple TV?

The movies are fun but I can’t go all the time. It’s special to go on a rainy day with your friends and make a trip out of it. Movies are expensive. Is it worth it?



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