FYS4: Real Time Chat With My Advisor

A couple of days ago I met with an advisor at Penn State, Nikki DiOrio, to discuss my future at Penn State and what that’s going to look like. I loved being able to chat with her and get to know her as well as her getting to know me. The overall experience was super helpful and she really helped me focus on my area of interest.

In my interview, we discussed the classes I would be taking in the fall and how to kind of see if public relations and advertising is something I really want to do with the rest of my life. After talking with her I do believe that it something I can pursue. Especially after the projects, we have done in my COMM class I think that advertising is a very interesting field of work. You really have to understand the consumer to be able to appeal to that audience.

Another thing that Nikki and I discussed was studying abroad. She told me that COMM majors have the highest rate of students that travel while continuing their studies. One of my main reasons for choosing Penn State was because of their study abroad programs and what they have to offer. We discussed specific ones that I was looking at such as Australia and Barcelona.

The importance of talking about study abroad was because while I was over there, I want to take classes that have to do with that specific culture which would count as my electives. So in order for me to do so and graduate on time, I need to get in my required classes first and not waste those credits here in America.

Nikki and I also discussed her Penn Stare experience and how she initially never intended to become an advisor. For a decent chunk of her time in the workforce, she was in finance and until she decided that’s not what she wanted to do anymore. She loves her job here now and loves helping all the Penn Staters find their place here.

I loved going to see my advisor and it was a super positive experience. I will definitely use the office’s help with any future questions I have!


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