RCL1: America, What is Religious Rhetoric?

Let’s talk about religion. We hear about on the news, read about it on our phones and in newspapers, and listen to it in church. Rhetoric itself has both positive and negative connotations with religion from mission trips and Hurricane Relief to the scandal in the Catholic Church. 

Although, what hasn’t received as much press, but needs to be voiced, is the possible upcoming change and possible split within the United Methodist Church. While reading this, keep this statement, the churches mission in mind. “Open Minds. Open Hearts. Open Doors.” 

Here’s the background: In 1972, the General Conference (leaders of the domination) made it law in the Book of Disciplines that homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teachings. Further ruling that practicing homosexuals are not allowed to be ordained, and same-sex couples cannot be married in a United Methodist Church. Although, and THANK GOD, since this became law, many people within the church oppose this rhetoric in the Book of Disciplines and are seeking to change this hurtful and outdated thinking.

Following the now historically event of the legalization of same-sex marriage in 2015, the United Methodist Church and clergy knew that at the General Conference in the following year (May 2016) change would be demanded. And this is what precisely happened. Though, this want for change was met by traditionalist rejecting the idea of change.  

Delegates called upon the bishops to move forward with this issue of repressed homosexuality and as a result, the bishop came up with a plan; Way Forward. This plan called for a special General Conference that took place this year to strike down the ban on gay marriage and ordination. And yet again this plan did not pass due to the traditionalist, and thus the original law still stands. Now with brutal consequences on clergy that perform a same-sex marriage. 

As discussed in many United Methodist Churches today, the next General Conference meets in 2020 to erase this law. Though, due to the differing opinions, there is talk of a split in the church. And indeed, regardless of how it goes, there will be a split forming the Reconciling Movement (forward-thinking) and the Westly Convent (tradition thinking). Part of the issue at hand is the communication from the clergy to their congregation. Some small churches within the domination refuse to discuss this pressing matter and thus do not allow their church to have a voice towards moving forward. We must have better communication with the members of the congregation so that all are fully aware and have free will to choose what they want to support.  


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