Kindness. What exactly is kindness? Is it something more that we see or something that we are to feel? Is it infinite or finite?. According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of kindness is the quality or state of being kind, a kind deed, or affection.
Even I, myself, preach kindness. Although, like most things (unless you are an expert and have a Ph.D. in the subject of matter and even then…) we can always learn more about this and that. My this and that I want to learn more about, explore, and engage in is kindness. Thus, through this blog, you will be following me through one of my passions as I learn more it; again, A Learning Girl. (I hate myself for how cheesy but true it is. Ugh.)
Maybe this will be a thread where I blog about acts of kindness I see and experience in my daily life and how I believed it presents itself in society…quite literally rhetoric. Or maybe this will be a thread where I do in-depth research in my brain and blog about kindness from the past; from my dogs, parents, friends, teachers, or even strangers. Though, before I decided which route this thread will take, I might as well take the time to tell you exactly and quite literally from where my sense of kindness stems.
Beautiful like a garden of flowers, graced with a gentle heart and delicate in her ways was my grandmother, and every day I remind myself of her morals, love, but especially her kindness.
Over the years, my grandmother always loved her garden, and it wasn’t until this past year that I understood why. Flowers and shrubs were not just beautiful plants to her, but rather they were something she cared about with a metaphorical connection to her own life. Each time I helped her tend her garden, she would always tell me, “Now Nina, always be kind.” And it stuck. A lesson, something I try to walk within each day of my life — kindness from the heart.
Even though this can be difficult on our worse days, to act with kindness to even be with kindness, we, I can always try.
Choose Kindness.
With love,