I believe that a critically important story that needs to be told is the one behind ideal body image and its impact on society, especially women, throughout history.
Many are aware of today’s outlooks and opinions on the ideal body for women, with the greater overarching theme of loving yourself and your body just the way it is. Although, this mindset has not been the prevailing mindset throughout history, and more specifically, the 1900s. Something I believe needs to be understood is where this all began, how it has changed, and the shift from a body-negative to a body-positive mindset.
Still to this day, may women of all ages struggle with the ideal body. This struggle has lead many to a toxic relationship between mind and body. Learning more about ideal body history and it’s meaning will deepen my (and hopefully others) understanding of how we can’t take all of this so literally; furthermore, in the sense that we should learn from it and do what’s best for us.
This story will begin in the early 1900s, right after women ditched the use of a corset. For the corset was used in western culture from the 16th century through the early 20th century and promoted one ideal body. After being exhausted for nearly 400 years, other ideas came into play. Through the 1900s and early 2000s, the ideal body has changed many times.
Main Question:
How has the ideal body image in women changed over time, especially to the mindset of today’s society that all body types are ideal bodies?
Subsidiary Questions:
How was the ideal body portrayed in the media throughout time? How did the media change?
Who were the celebrities at these times? How did they influence women around America to change the shape of their bodies? What type of remedies did they “recommend”?
How did the ideal body influence women’s health along with rises or declines in eating disorders?
Where there any other factors that shaped the ideal body?