RCL #1: Blogging Ideas

Ideas for my “This I Believe” podcast: 

  1. Grandparents and the love for the Elderly 
    1. So far, in my life, my grandparents have significantly impacted my view of the elderly. A look that has been shaped into a love. From this love, we need to love the elderly. So many societies around the world put much energy and care into taking care of the elderly. However, I feel this is not as prevalent in the United States. We don’t even necessarily need to love the elderly, but we need to respect them. We can learn so much from their achievements and failures. 
  2. Outlook on College Life – Penn State 
    1. Over the break, I was asked what I thought of Penn State, and I answered, “I like it.” This response completely shook who I was speaking too, and their immediate reaction was, “You’re the first person who has ever told me that. Everyone I know LOVES Penn State.” I believe there is more to college than the walls in which we are confined. The most important, college is an investment for our future. 

Laundry List of other ideas: 

  1. Forgiveness and Being the Bigger Person 
  2. We are all here to help each other.
  3. There is always something Good in the Bad. 
  4. We shouldn’t be afraid to die. 
  5. Hard work. Period.
  6. Everyone deserves to be loved.


Ideas for my new Passion Blog: 

  1. Finding Happiness 
    1. Something that kept crossing my mind over break is finding happiness in college. I want to explore where I find my joy and what I can do for others that make me happy. Happiness isn’t our phones and social media, but happiness is in helping others, is in nature, is in good food. 
  2. Mission Work 
    1. One of my greatest passions and something I hope to continue throughout the entirety of my life is to serve others. More specifically, through medical mission trips. I want to explore this passion through this blog on the places I want to go to and the places I’ve been to. 
  3. Being something for someone 
    1. Something I have always enjoyed and sometimes work to do is genuinely being something for someone. This ranges from trying to be the best daughter I can be to my parents or being a supportive, real someone to a friend. I think it would be interesting to look more into how to be better for others. And also possibly reflect on what I have seen before in my life and aspire to be. 


Ideas for my Civic Issue Blog: 

  1. Education: College Admissions 
    1. Getting rid of ACT/SAT for admission requirements 
    2. Family income → student loans 
    3. Nepotism 
  2. Health Care 
    1. People cannot afford their medication → , especially the elderly, who ultimately stop taking their medications and thus lead to more significant health problems that are significantly more expensive. 
    2. People cannot afford their healthcare deductibles → lower, and middle-class citizens struggle to pay their health care deductibles. Thus resulting in getting rid of health care insurance or going to a lower provider where science shows, especially in the lower class, people need health care the most.  
  3. Education: Cost of Education – Is it work the cost? 
  • For all three of these, I would focus on the cost of education today. Another outlook I am interested in looking into is the length of education, especially graduate school, and, more specifically, medical school. Today, many are reasoning that four years of strict school before residency may not be necessary for all specialties. As for private schools, I’d investigate the cost and how even just the name of a private school impacts acceptance rates into some of the top universities and colleges also when some public schools provide a better education. 
    1. Private Schools 
    2. Undergraduate 
    3. Graduate

2 thoughts on “RCL #1: Blogging Ideas

  1. I think your respect ad love for the elderly would be well delivered for this assignment. I also think your idea for discussing college admissions would be cool because it is something that is very familiar to all of us as students.

  2. I like the idea of making your podcast about college life at Penn State. We are all going through this together and would like to read about your experiences. For your passion blog and civic issues blog, I like the topics of mission work and education.

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