A cleverly constructed jab at lacking armament regulation
Pictured above is a rather peculiar image that circulated the Internet over seven years ago. The image was created by the non-governmental organization known as Amnesty International. The NGO made waves when they took their movement to Times Square to spread the absurd though true word that bananas are more regulated than the global arms trade. In constructing this image, the artist forged a considerable, though provoking visual argument by way of imagery, simplicity, and brevity.
The artist cleverly crafted an image of a frowning face with images of a banana and two hand grenades. The banana – a common fruit – is strikingly contrasted as the frown against two hand grenades – weapons of war – in the place of eyes, which instantly catches the viewers eye. Moreover, the bananas and hand grenades are largely left at the center of attention with the important text below minimized. Resultantly, the viewer can direct the majority of their attention to the face, with the short text “Bananas are more strictly regulated than weapons worldwide” succinctly clarifying the intended message with little distraction. This aforementioned simplicity by design gives way to a prominent straightforwardness, exchanging clutter and infographics for an approach akin to a political cartoon or campaign poster.
Together, these elements make for an effective political image that swiftly delivers its message in a thought-provoking manner. The argument that weapons are far less regulated globally than bananas is made clear to the viewer within seconds, and inclusions of the organization name encourage the viewer to research for themselves (becoming better educated on the topic in turn). Although images such as these are not uncommon, they are far from the norm and stand out in a sea of generic, cluttered political images that flood the internet.