Passion Project Ideas

Some things that make me, me, and are well known to many are my love for cows, music (specifically The Beatles, and Rex Orange County), figure skating, and my passion for healthcare. When thinking about which of these interests are most important and fun to me, my love for Rex Orange County is one of the first things that comes to mind. 

One passion blog idea that I have specifically includes Rex Orange County. This idea includes me deeply analyzing each of his songs and recording how they make me feel, what elements of them I enjoy the most, and compiling this data to make an accurate conclusion about what my favorite Rex Orange County song is. Whenever I am asked to answer the question, “What is your favorite song of his?”, I rattle off a list of songs, instead of just one. This project would allow me to spend time analyzing the music I love most while also collecting data, something my science brain also enjoys. 

Another idea I have is to research more specific and in-depth information about healthcare careers so that I can truly know and understand what I want to do with the rest of my life. As of now and for the past five years, I have wanted to be a surgeon. However, I do think it would be beneficial to explore other career options in-depth, including certain surgery specializations and entirely different careers.

4 thoughts on “Passion Project Ideas”

  1. I really like the idea of you breaking down and analyzing different Rex Orange Country songs to try and figure out which is your favorite and why. I am pretty unfamiliar with his music so reading your blog would be a cool way to get into his music. I also thing adding the science into it would make it even more unique and interesting to read.

  2. Firstly, I think that all of your ideas for your blog sound super interesting and I am looking forward to reading them! I would enjoy reading how you interpret and analyze different Rex Orange County songs as I find it fascinating to see how different people can have their own unique perceptions of the same song. It’s been quite some time since I checked out Rex’s music, but hopefully reading your blog would inspire me to explore some more of his songs!

  3. I think analyzing music is a great idea. There is always so much hidden meaning behind songs that you don’t pick up until you slow down and really dive into them. This will even help you to appreciate your favorite songs in a way that you never did before. I think health care is also a great idea. Many of your readers likely are not as well informed as you are or will become with it, so it will help expand all of our areas of knowledge. Additionally, if that is a career you are thinking of going into, it can surely prove to help out.

  4. I think both of these ideas would be really cool to read about. I personally love music and analyzing just what makes each song so addicting and how it produces an emotional response. I haven’t heard much Rex Orange County but I always love hearing about what makes people love certain artists. Your other idea sounds useful too. I definitely think researching a bunch of different career paths can only be super helpful in this stage of your life where you’re still trying to figure everything out.

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