American Beech

Location: West of paved path in front of Old Main, Penn State

Size: Circumference: 8’4″   Height: 75′   Spread: 70′   Points: 193

Added: 3 /9 /92, Notable Trees Committee

American beech is one of the most distinctive and common trees of the hardwood forest. It is a lovely shade tree with smooth, gray bark and long, lance-shaped buds. The root system is shallow, and root suckering is extensive. Old trees are often surrounded by thickets of root sprouts, a food source for white-tailed deer. The fruit of the beech is a “bur” enclosed in a prickly husk. In the fall, the husk opens and two or three edible nuts, a favorite food of squirrels, are released.


Other notable American beeches in Centre County:

1. Blue Springs Hollow Gap, Taylor Township. Points: 195

2. Blue Springs Hollow Gap, Taylor Township. Points: 123

3. Halehurst woodlot, Philipsburg. Points: 218

Fun Facts:

  • Only beech tree native to North America. Native to Eastern North America.
  • Grows to be 50-80 feet normally, can get up to 120ft
  • Latin name is Fagus grandifolia