Hierarchy, Composition and Transformation

This is for exercise 4, the updated version of previous post.  


The main thing that got changed is:

        – made a function that generates the whole building, as opposed to function that makes one floor then repeat outside of function to create building

        – got rid of the balcony feature (changed to open windows), and thus the form of the building

        – since balcony is gone, the waviness decreased dramatically


The steps of the programming process:

       1. define building size

       2. user defines floor number and waviness

       3. define the building making function makeBuilding


       4. evoke function makeBuilding to make buidling



In the diagrams above, the floor number has kept unchanged, while the waviness changes from 1, 2, 3, 4, accordingly. 


Here’s the code:

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import math as m

rs. DeleteObjects(rs.AllObjects())

#Define essential elements in order to run the function
length =55
width = 45
myOrigin = [0,0,0] 
flHeight = 3.5
nrfloor = rs.GetInteger ("How many floors would you like to build?",20)
bldgHeight = nrfloor * flHeight

#Define elements that decide how curvy the building will be for the function
myAmplitude = rs.GetInteger ("How curvey would you like the building to be",2) 
nrPtsX = 10
stepX = length/nrPtsX

#Function that makes the building
def makeBuilding (origin,nrfloor,Amplitude):

    curves = []
    #create curvy front and back edges of the building
    for z in rs.frange(0,bldgHeight,flHeight):
        points = []
        for i in rs.frange(0,length,stepX):
            j = (m.sin(z*m.pi*.1) + m.sin(i*m.pi*.1)) * Amplitude*1.3
        flCurve = rs.AddCurve(points)
        rs.DeleteObjects (points)
        #based on curvy front and back edges, create floor surfaces
        frontSurface = []
        path = rs.AddLine(myOrigin, [0,0,flHeight])
        flSurface = rs.ExtrudeCurve (flCurve,path)
        #based on curvy floors surfaces, create volume of the whole building
        flBody = []
        flWidth = rs.AddLine(myOrigin,[0,width,0])
        rs.ExtrudeSurface (flSurface,flWidth)

#Evoke the function

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