Recreating Mastermind in Python IDLE using built in random module

Mastermind is a two-player game revolving around a secret combination of four colored pegs. One player makes a series of guesses at that combination and the correctness is communicated by the second player through black and white pegs. This python program recreates the game and pits user against computer both as the guesser and the mastermind. (2021)

Creating a dynamic recipe scaler in python using branching logic

Python program that takes user inputs and scales them appropriately. Output is dynamically formatted recipe with mixed fractions. (2021)

Using structured lists and dictionaries to determine buying power in monopoly

Monopoly property values are an effective tool for practicing logical complexity because of their unique rules. In this python program I utilize multiple 1D data structures, if-else statements in series, and built-in functions to determine possible property builds. (2021)


A collaborative Powerpoint presentation regarding fieldwork done on Oahu, HI. The purpose was to examine the relationship between plant biodiversity and human population size. Analysis done in R (2017)

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