RCL Blog 5: Evolving Ideas Brainstorm

  1. The topic that I am going to explore is the “nuclear renaissance” This is a trend that most sources consider to have started around 2000, persisting until modern day. I plan to tell the story of how nuclear energy went from being widely feared to being accepted by most environmentalists as a crucial force against climate change. However, there is still controversy surrounding the renaissance, as some people would argue that nuclear is not really gaining ground, especially considering the events of Fukushima which occurred during this time period.  
  2. This shift is particularly relevant to me because it is the story of my career field’s perception and its future. This shift needs to be understood by others in my audience because nuclear energy is one of the world’s best options for fighting climate change, and everyone should be well informed whether its drawbacks (waste, radiation) outweigh its benefits (carbon-free power) in order to promote the best course of action. Similarly, knowing where the field is headed and why in respect to public opinion is also crucial for the audience to decide whether to support the future development of nuclear energy.
  3. There is a controversy about the legitimacy of this shift, whether it is just proponents of nuclear energy being hopeful or if it is an accurate reflection of the state of the industry. Therefore, I will mostly focus on “fact” and “quality” questions. Some questions I seek to answer is if there is an actual noticeable shift, how and why it is taking place, who it affects, and if any information supporting these claims is biased. Overall, my claim will be that since the turn of the century, the nuclear energy industry has been progressing towards a renaissance in terms of public opinion, policy, and technology.  

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