
Our software

Most of the software we develop to run and analyze our simulations is publicly available.

  • batchtools: easy management of high-performance computing simulations.
  • PyCompose: A python library to read and manipulate equation of state tables in CompOSE ASCII format.
  • pygraph: PyQt software for the visualization and the analysis of simple 1D data
  • scidata, scivis: python libraries and software to analyze and visualize numerical relativity data.
  • WhiskyTHC is a state-of-the-art open source general-relativistic hydrodynamics code that we developed to study neutron star mergers.

Other resources

This is software we use in our research that is not developed or maintained directly by our group.

  • The Einstein Toolkit is a collection of publicly available software for numerical relativity. It includes a Burger-Oliger adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) scheme based,  Carpet driver, two puncture method to treat black holes and various other tools to evolve and analyze numerical spacetimes.
  • CTGamma is the spacetime solver we use in most of our simulations.